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The server is fine -- the !Elite servers are just U13 rentals which run the U13 games and this forum. The game lags just as every on-line game does when the overall population's ping is high, which results in some delayed reactions and hits. If it's happening as much as you say, then there is also the chance that your connection is the source of you problem despite what the game reports your ping as. Whenever I play any server as noticed most of my hits aren't impacting, I just exit and reboot the PC and modem. When I rejoin, I find the problem is gone. I know the !EliteCTF servers have the ping kick set at 300, so it should autokick anyone lagging that bad. I suspect you just got annoyed with it more being on a one-hit server where every hit has to count. Lag can hurt one-hit weapons unfortunately. I know I get aggravated when my fully charged knife doesn't kill on Slicers and am left weaponless. It happens.
So, if it someone could enlighten me regarding the subject, why is hit detection such a problem in this game, and does anybody know if it is being countered in 1.3.2? What is hit detection caused by, MM's infamous poor coding or serverside or clientside lags, or some other complicated stuff??
Thanks for the good news EnEsCe. What about chainsaw registering?It's odd though, my shots definitely don't take a whole second and a half to register on people even though i have 150 ping. Oh wells, I've no complaints.