this delay on barrets... i think it's a bit unrealistic and makes it quite unpleasant to use...
so it should go.
but i know why people put delay on guns, cause they are too strong.
So i propose to just make it less powerfull. like in counterstrike, if u ever played that game.
Personally i don't like cs but that doesn't matter.
It means anyway that there's, not like the ruger, a quite small chance to survive. and a higher chance when the bullet does a lot of distance.
I say this not because i'm one of those people who wants to own like they did in 1.2.1... I even use the barret only for sniping. For example, killing the flagger in b2b.
so for me, my suggestion is even a bad thing.
but it's just that delay sucks. it's unrealistic, and unpleasant. plain stupid.
if soldat wants the players to use the barret only as a sniper, then the barret should have only crosshair when in zoomed mode. not in regular.
but not delay. delay is ****!
so if u have a comment, please post, but at least give a good argument.