Author Topic: Australian/NZ gather scene  (Read 3394 times)

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Offline ultraman

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Re: Australian/NZ gather scene
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2007, 06:52:52 am »
Where do people get this idea that Aussie servers are full of hackers? It's not true! Plus, GA has just put in a script with the !admin command, and it works, so hackers get whats coming to then fast.

Offline Frenchie

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Re: Australian/NZ gather scene
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2007, 07:02:12 am »
I was playing today in 4 GA servers (CTF,Rambo,INF,DM)
And in each of those servers I met hackers through out the day.
Tried few times !admin, but they always seem to be off when the hackers are on...
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