I times a Thread read, there has someone after
a Storymode for soldier in demand,
whether there so which is at that time it was called it NO
I thought and are to the result come that so which can
go thus have I times the 1. Mission made by the Storymode
it is a singles match he map, i.e. it goes ONLY with Bots
naturally the whole thing has a prehistory:
You were a member of a special unit, to someone unknown
an assassination attempt on you and your comrades committed.
Only you survived and now want it you that, the yours Comrades
killed, to kill.
In the first mission it goes around it, the secret factory from
Kruger and it and its whole trailer closes to kill, because it
was one the wire-puller of the assassination attempt.
The mission and the goals of the mission stand again in the play
mission and a goal To playing: how one must adjust the whole, I times noted here:
consider please the things in the RED CIRCLES it must be exactly the same adjusted everything, so that it runs correctly
if it is too easy or too heavy, then you only the number of offering
must AND the Killlimit adjust or simply time limit
I have it now so adjusted, because it is not simple and one needs
several times, around it to create I it often tried and it once created
Thus it does not think that it is simple.
One cannot simply directly clean-run and all down-shot, but one must tactically thinking!
Here now times the Overview:
Further pictures:
>>>FACTORY RIGHT<<< >>>FACTORY MIDDLE RIGHT<<< >>>FACTORY MIDDLE LEFT<<< >>>FACTORY LEFT<<< Whom the whole pleases, that can download that here:
>>>DOWNLOAD<<< I would like to have gladly your opinion in addition, which holds it of it!
Otherwise HAVE FUN with play!