It'd be nice if barret would stay like it is in 1.3.1, I don't like the knife's speed decreased. SOCOM should have less bullets like 10 or damage decreased. I don't want shield. Flasbang seems to be too strong and has too long effect. I don't like minimi to be in game at all. Minigun should have 40 bullets and higher rate of reload.
A few maps should be created and added to default soldat map set - to make it more interesting.
What I think about shields : Having a shield (Bulletproof vest) in 1.3.1 was a lot easier and useful. If it is not gonna destroy >_> It makes it should I say... more I-do-not-like-it. It should stop like 5 bullets from Steyr and other guns or something like that. It should not stop barret. Nades should stay the same, predator bonus also, you should leave the Vest like it is. Shield is like a secondary weapon, but you can't use it like weapon. Just doesn't fit in. Maybe Rambo bow should have faster normal arrows, but that's not so important.
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