Author Topic: Kingdom of Loathing  (Read 1413 times)

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Offline Lapis Lazuli

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Kingdom of Loathing
« on: June 24, 2006, 04:06:48 pm »
Greetings fellow adventurers.

Some of you might play Kingdom of Loathing, a browser-based adventure and role-playing game.

For those of you that do, I have an offer for you. I am currently the leader of a clan called Unwritten Legends. The clan is fully functional and has a complete array of all the clan furniture that a clan can possibly attain. These items make it easier for adventurers to play Kingdom of Loathing, by adding more adventures per day, extra meat (the game currency) every day, and by providing areas for you to train your stats. There is also a clan stash so you can share any extra equipment you don't need, and other fellow clanmates can take from the stash according to clan karma: If you provide meat to the clan, you're able to access the clan stores. If all you do is take, you won't have access to the clan stash. It's that simple.

Our clan credo is as follows:

Just a gang of fellow souls with little to do but waste time on KoL. With the cooperation of the group, we increase our enjoyment of the game and make things a little less lame.

If you play Kingom of Loathing, and would like a clan, or if you've only just started and need a little extra boost, feel free to apply. If you want a custom title, just contact me, Nathsapholin (#842823).

We are currently not engaged in clan wars and have no plans to pursue such. Unwritten Legends is a clan to help bolster your individual progress through cooperation and generosity.

Kinda like communism. Kompressor Krush!
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Offline Atomic Hype

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Re: Kingdom of Loathing
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 04:29:03 pm »
I used to play.

But I havn't in awhile. I wouldn't be suprised if they deleted my avvount by now.
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Offline Zero72

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Re: Kingdom of Loathing
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 04:40:20 pm »
I loved that game the two times that I got into it, but I never did stick with it for very long. I think I'm better off keeping away from it now. :/