Author Topic: The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars  (Read 1769 times)

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Offline Pattoni

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The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars
« on: February 24, 2007, 05:53:49 am »
There was a time when i searched clanwars out at puplic servers. It was quite a hard & tough to find any even not to mention that how to arrange the whole match. Anyways, the time came when i heard about IRC. Well, It eased my soldat-career a lot and it also opened my eyes. Previously i thought that my clan was very good and invincible & invulnerable, but in IRC i faced the reality of Soldat Community. It was advanced freaking much compared to my clan. Well, the first clanwar i played with IRC-versus ended 1-10 or sumthng like that. We started to train much more and harded and after these 2 years we'll developed a lot, but theres still many clans we cant defeat. Nevermind, but i give my advice to you: Step on IRC @ Quakenet, new world awaits you ! Start doing a clan channel, after that step on #soldat.match where you find a clanwar most easest.

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Re: The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 06:27:35 am »
This is common knowledge yes but some just want to live in their world of fantasy or just dont like mIRC or something. Those who wanted to join the quakenet community have done so already.

Offline Pattoni

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Re: The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 06:35:33 am »
Quote from: Outcast
Those who wanted to join the quakenet community have done so already.
Or maybe they havent heard of mIRC yet.
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Offline Dizzy So 1337

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Re: The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2007, 03:43:21 am »
[NoS] is only 3 months old, but we have recently opened for business (clanwars).

I have been initiated into the mysteries of mIRC (#sna.gather) and while I enjoy it, it seems that the mIRC crowd is pretty hardcore and generally speaking out of our league at this time.

I appreciate this post and will try the channel that the OP mentioned, and possibly create our own channel, but I am guessing that the forums are still the best place for newb clans like NoS to start out when seeking cw.  Anyone want to comment or illuminate further?

A personal note about mIRC.  I really wish I had gotten onto it earlier.  I started playing Soldat about 4 years ago, and I got quite good on the pubs.  So good, in fact, that I completely stopped using guns (out of a sense of fair play), and played for a couple years with Saw/Knife/Nades only.  When I got to where I was pwning everyone game after game with only melee and nades, I pretty much quit the game out of boredom with the lack of challenge.

If I had only known about mIRC back then!!!  The #sna.gather is full of people that completely pwn me, worse than I ever imagined possible.  Now, I have a couple of years of completely sloppy thinking in Soldat to undo and overcome.  The public servers are a great place to start Soldat, but after a while you really need to graduate to mIRC if you are still taking the game seriously.  Don't be like me and waste a couple of years on the pubs... at some point, they are just a waste of your time and they will just make you lazy and sloppy in your Soldat skills.
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Offline Devastated Mind

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Re: The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2007, 06:08:37 am »
Exactly my thought. I was a public player for about one year. When I finally joined a clan and that clan forced me to use IRC, I noticed how lowskilled I was. The only way to become pro is playing with the pros.  You don't have IRC and still think you are among the best players of this game? I promise, you are mistaken.
In the German community it is a thing I recently observed. I have a long list in xFire full with people from the German clans. Half of the community happens on xFire, which is a pity. Those clans never come to beat a clan that uses IRC as a base of communication and for finding clan wars (which is much easier there as you can spam messages to hundreds of players at once - normally it only takes some moments to find something). But at the rare occasion that a players starts using IRC, too, this player also starts improving pretty fast. I advise you to follow their example.

You may attack me for kicking up this thread, but in my opinion this is a topic that doesn't get the clicks it deserves and which is always current. I only want to get more players to improve, because I play the same clans too often.

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Re: The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2007, 07:36:21 am »
but I am guessing that the forums are still the best place for newb clans like NoS to start out when seeking cw.  Anyone want to comment or illuminate further?
No, you will always stay like that if you won't play with better people. Not all of the IRC community are so tough (IMO there's only one though clan but that's my opinion :P)

Offline ElGato

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Re: The modern way to find those below-mentioned clanwars
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2007, 10:27:17 am »
Every clan that strives to be better should get on IRC and get a channel, there are plenty of friendly people who would love to help a new clan get a channel setup. All you need are active members who will go on IRC and enough pride to know you have to lose to get better.
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