If the function SetPlayerXY() goes through it could prove useful with this.
Maybe idea for new function.
Basically a vote command but it can be called for any reason.
It could be used in lots of different ways .eg.
Mission maps... Your walking and you reach a brick wall and a little vote box appears saying 'What would you like to do' F11 'Climb the wall' F12 'Dig underneath'
Depending on which option you choose, eg. F12 will SetPlayerXY() underground.
Or if SetPlayerXY() is not added
You could use the vote command on a tournament server where its 1 vs 1 and has spectators. Once the player wins the spectators get a vote box saying 'Next Contender' F11 'Frenchie' F12 'SumR4ndom'
Date Posted: January 29, 2007, 07:33:05 AM
EnEsCe could you post and say if a function like this could be added?
vote (Reason, Percentage, F11 Title, F12 Title, F11 Function, F12 Function)
eg: vote ('Would you like to start zombie mode', 85, 'Yes', 'Pfftt..No', startZombie(), )