Good news, people, to those of you who care(yay, a-4-year-old
). I got my computer up and running again, which means I'll be returning to playing soldat again shortly. I'm thinking of getting back into the server admining scene, so look out for any realistic servers soon.
Anyway, what I really meant to ask, who do you guys think of banning, and how do you do it? I mean, what do you think is nescessary for a person to be banned?
I used to be quite harsh on me ol' CE clan server. I would ban everyone who put up racial issues, who got a warning for anything and didn't follow up on it and such. I quite frankly took no crap from anyone.
In your opinion, what should be done?
What's fair? I know it's your own server, but nevermind that. How should admins behave?