well the law could be replaced with some big ass fire ball, or that could be the m79.
i dont like the naruto ninja as much as something like, ninja gaiden ninja (given they dont yell everything, are less uber, and very viceral)
what would be nice is if someone could make the chainsaw fire animation look like a super fast sword strike, that way, you start the chainsaw off at an angle, and when it fires it flashes at another angle that implied a fast swing. this way if looks like a ninja slashing instead of rushing a dude and impaling him. so its like this
facing left
/ = normal angle
\ = (muzzle flash) so its an upward swing
make the #2 files at the same angle so it looks like there is some variety, as ninja facing left strike up, and ones facing right strike down.
shotgun could be a flury of shuriken, m79 an explosive strapped to a kunai (to use the naruto word), im thinking more like it has a bag hanging off the back or something, cause explosive paper seems lame.
dual pistols, just chucking two knives.
socom a single knife
sniper rifle could be some cool looking projectile ninja technique.
Ak could be chucking some form of energy thing.
steyr, ruger, mp5, minigun, and minimi, not to mention nades, im out off ideas for, cause i dont want to spam energy attacks or tool based ones.