by the way, this is completely true. im playing with a friend on like, HAX knife only server or something, and he lagged out, and this other guy comes and joins. well, i steal the flag and run back to the base while my friend is lagging and this guy hasnt joined yet, and i score. then the guy joins, and he beats me in going back to the red base, he steals our flag and runs back to his base. about the time he is doing this the second timer is going down, by the time he reaches sight of the base he turns around and throws his last knife. it misses me,and i go flying over it to avoid it. about now theres 1 second left and hes flying towards it and i throw my knife. it cuts off his head and the freeze frame at the end is his head flying away and the flag bouncing up.
to make a long story short, i had 1 point, he had none, he was about to tie it at the end, and i killed him right before he wouldve scored and tied the game. i won.
Date Posted: February 23, 2007, 02:20:12 AM
i suck at explaining stuff so yeah...