Script name: Another useless zombie game script
Original Author: Super Vegeta
Core Version: 2.6.3
Code: (467 lines)
Script Description:Script designed to be used on ctf or inf game mode.
The admin should do /setmapx on the first map after server launch. (Or one could also simply add comand('/nextmap') to ActivateServer.)Through the code admin sets the lenght of preparation time and the so-called defense line (different for every map). If there are players on bravo team, the preparation time counter goes ticking - this is so the players can take defense positions. If a player says !zombiestart, admin uses the /zombiestart command, the preparation time runs out or the defense line will be crossed by a bravo, the zombie game will begin. A Boogie Lord and (constant "zpp" * BravoPlayers) Boogie Men will be spawned on the alpha team. Through the variable "af" in the code the admin can set win and lose conditions. If the map will be changed, all Boogies will be kicked and the preparation time counter will start again.
My first attempt on Soldat server scripting. Imo? The more people on bravo, the gaming experience is better. :)
Admin commands:/resetpreptime - If the zombie game has not begun yet, resets preparation time.
/setaf # - Changes AF to #.
/setmapx - Calls the procedure setting the defense line, preptime and af. Should be used on the first map after server activation.
/zombiestart - Starts the zombie game.
Player commands:/afv - Shows AF value for current map and explains win and lose conditions.
/boom - Sets of all satchel charges owned by the player.
/buy <item> - Buys an item, duh.
/buy help - Provides information about the AUZGS money system and displays item prices.
/cash - Kinda obvious.
/defline - Shows distance to the defense line.
/det - The same as /boom.
/equip - Shows player's equipment.
/eqq - As above.
/preptime - Shows preparation time left.
/use <item> - Self-explanatory.
!pos - Shows player's position.
!zombiestart - Starts the zombie game.
v.1.1; 30.06.2008- Players trying to join alpha are forced to join bravo team instead of getting kicked
- Supports spectators
- Buffed up the Boogie Lord (vest on respawn; infinite berserker; vest + healing when he kills an enemy)
- Players get two bonus poins for killing the Boogie Lord
v.1.2; 01.07.2008- Works with Soldat Dedicated Server v.2.6.3
- Changed preptime and af to be variables, so they can be different for each map
- Added bravo players\spectators limit (set by const edition)
- Fixed: vestkit spawned at Boogie Lord even if he had 100% VP (he didn't take it and a mere zombie took it)
- Added new admin command: /setaf
- Added new player command: !af
v.1.3; 12.07.2008- Fixed: Boogie Lord remaining in game when all players leave game\join spect
- Changed: Converted !commands to /commands: !af => /afv; !defline => /defline; !preptime => /preptime
- Changed: const rmode is now a var read from soldat.ini
- Changed: Instead of vest on respawn and infinite berserker, Boogie Lord now has scripted damage modifiers
- Added the possibility to set damage taken by zombies in %
- Added a money-for-kills, buy-near-flag and equipment system
- Added two new AF values (due to this, you have to edit your v.1.2 setmapx maplist)
- Added a defense line warning for players (if they get too close, they get DrawText)
- Added Boogie Lord's healing aura
- Added new player commands: /cash, /buy, /use, /boom, /det, /equip, /eqq