Ancient race... if it's really ancient, they must known techno-magical (but you can take all at science, technic) and looks as... there's free field for imagine. You can animize them, as egyptian or another mythologic gods, so their own weapons looks really ancient but have great firepower. Other... UAA can be normal marines with special power armor/suit. Weapons of UAA can be similiar to modern guns, but more futuristic as actual weapons, your choose if it be more industrial, deformed, sf, improvements in modern. All weapons musn/t looks same, but similiar one to one. Look at Project Ion Storm for example: I will have time a bit (but I dont promise) I can do gosteks and several mod elements If you will want. Also I can do post here example futuristic weapons from UAA or Ancient race, and you decide, put it in mod or no.
Few ideas for weapons:
Fast, but shorst range modern flamethrower at some primary slot, or just laser machinegun (violet or ruby color design) with orange/yellow bullets.
Something similiar to sniper rifle, but with weaker bullets, and more ammo, explosive/ burning bullets (just take wm with gfx modifiedc lusters as bullets.
Shotgun as stronger weapon, but with low ammo, shoot razor blades, good for ancient.
Deadly wave emitter, similiar to actual weapon, but looking as part of body (ancient) or pistol mixed with blade.