Author Topic: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)  (Read 1242 times)

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Offline Raithah

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CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« on: March 13, 2007, 03:11:12 pm »
Yaya, the Raithah is back baby ! I'm sure you didn't miss me, but I sure did miss your incessant complaining on how horrible my maps are so I felt obliged to come off Planetside for a couple hours and feed your bloodlust ;)

On a side note I'm rather saddened at the fact that Mr. Charles has left the building, as he was a spectacular mapper. So I tip my ceremonial plastic cup root-beer glass in your honour. Your leaving has left a hole unfillable by thousands after.

Now on to the depressing stuff :


That's the only overview, and with it comes a little request. See, I have a little problem concerning time. My second semester at school has suddenly become hell-on-earth so my copious amounts of free time has dwindled to something I can fit in a plastic shot glass. So, unless you are blind, you will probably have noticed that my map has little to no colouring/shading. The only stuff that is there is to discern between water/land (yes there are some of my amazing poly falls), but other than that it's bare map'd.

Here's the request : do whatever you'd like to this (mostly) finished map, including adding sceneries, colouring, de-colouring (etc) and you can win a fabulous prize !

Though I can't guarantee how fabulous it will be, or if it will even exist.

*clears throat*

Hey, whatcha waiting for ! Let's see if you can turn a crappy looking map into a piece of mapping art :)

Edit: On a side note I just realized that my post time is insane localy. It's at exactly 1:11:11 :)

The preferred outcome of war is peace. Ironic, huh ?
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Offline Keron Cyst

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Re: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 06:46:49 pm »
Why don't you just throw all of this into Rambo_6's Map Scrapyard (a sticky under the resources section) if you're never gonna finish any of your work? :P

Offline Raithah

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Re: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 09:13:36 am »
Well one because I don't want to disgrace that section w/ my work, but two because I'll be finishing this. Eventualy. But it'll take a while and I figured I could at least get some comments on it's design in the mean time ;)

The preferred outcome of war is peace. Ironic, huh ?
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Offline Keron Cyst

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Re: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2007, 05:54:27 pm »
Well, if that's the purpose, I might as well pitch in then...

I don't like at all how the bottom path is so flat. Not even trench-war maps are like that; add some hills, or something. Just don't let it be Minigun AND Barret heaven, heh. The central vertical structure looks like it could lead to some 'nade-spamming, and somewhat looks generally difficult to maneuver through. The base layout is all right, I think, but overall it doesn't feel straightforward enough IMO...

Offline Raithah

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Re: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2007, 06:28:54 pm »
Well ... the water and freaky thing in the middle is set to 'only players collide'. And the cavern is pretty large so if there is a camper, you can sneak up on 'em :) The hill is surprisingly easy to maneuver through, it's a simple matter of backflipping left and right a couple times.

The preferred outcome of war is peace. Ironic, huh ?
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Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2007, 08:22:54 pm »
Hey I like the design of this map. Of course, as you know, it looks rather plain but I already know the reason. Yeah, school is bearing down on me as well with work :-\. Not the most fun.

Anyway, there isn't much I could say about this map except that I like the layout. I don't have too much experience with cft maps, either playing them nor making them. Well, so far so good ;).

Edit: Yeah, the bottom does look a bit too flat...

-=[very off topic]=- Planetside is awesome although I haven't played it in forever...Have you ever by chance run across someone named Corn?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2007, 08:27:46 pm by Blacksheepboy »

Offline Raithah

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Re: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2007, 09:01:32 pm »
//offtopic// Nope, no one named Corn. Although I do play on the US East servers, and often on the unpopular side. Hey, was Corn a girl ? Because the name does ring a bell, though I have been in contact with literaly hundreds of people. //offtopic//

And I understand the bottoms a little flat, but it's not like there aren't ways around it. You still can't snipe from one end to the other :)

The preferred outcome of war is peace. Ironic, huh ?
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Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: CTF_TheMap (P.S. I'm back !)
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2007, 09:14:55 pm »
//off topic// Nah Corn is a guy. Plays on the Warner (European) server. Was pretty popular in the wars and is battle rank 16 I think. Well, he doesn't play too often anymore... Have you ever heard of Twinscythe or ChaosSoldier by any chance? Lol. //off topic//

And I understand the bottoms a little flat, but it's not like there aren't ways around it. You still can't snipe from one end to the other :)

Yah, tis true...