Author Topic: !!!!!{KL} Killing Lengends Recruiting!!!!!  (Read 780 times)

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Offline ds dude

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!!!!!{KL} Killing Lengends Recruiting!!!!!
« on: April 22, 2007, 03:39:32 pm »
Ok, I'm going to begin with the history. Long ago about 2-3 years I join {KL} they were nice poeple especially {KL} Saad(the old leader). We scrim, and we fought. Before xfire we used MSNĀ  messenger. One year after that the clan died, I couldn't believe it. It held so strong, but Saad just let it die, I don't know the reason for this. I've heard that before {KL} it use to be called {Knifed} ,and we would just play on knife servers, but i was not apart of that time. Now I have revived the {KL} clan, along with 5 members.

NOTE: This is like a fun clan. We may participate SCTFL here or there and some league.

Fill in the information below with awnsers.

Ingame name:----------

Favorite Weapon(s);Primary;Secondary:----------

Favorite GameMode(s):--------------

Why do you wanna join?:--------------

Contacts(all contacts):-------------

Favorite Maps:-----------
_________________________________________________ __________________
We offer a website;It isn't much, But we will progress, it also has a forum, and shoutbox.

We offer a server; When you join you will be notified of it.
_________________________________________________ ___________________

The only rule is "Treat poeple with respect and you shall be treated the same way."
_________________________________________________ ___________________

(Me) {KL}Gen.|Ds Dude





Ignore the ranks, we are still trying to move it all around.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 03:45:02 pm by ds dude »
This signature was borked. Now it is not.

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Re: !!!!!{KL} Killing Lengends Recruiting!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2007, 03:53:58 pm »
This forum also has information demands. Read the rules and post again.