Is there anyone on the soldat forums with positive karma?
Ah, don't worry about karma. Mine has been as high as 8 and as low as -7. Most karma is influenced by one or two posts, so it's not really representative of who you are as a whole. But, just for fun, here's a scale I made a while back:
My scale-75 or less: People smite you for fun or as a way of applauding you
-25 to -75: Right away you managed to tick people off, and now people are simply smiting you because they can
-5 to -25: People generally dislike you, or you've made annoying posts too often
-5 to 5: You're about average. The low end is probably from unnecessary smiting, and the high end is if you made one or two really good posts.
5 to 15: You're liked and you contribute. Very few people will smite you for the heck of it, so your karma stays fairly constant
15 to 30: You're a regular or a mod. You're helpful and you suspend the right people. Decent mapmakers can also get this level of karma.
30 or more: You're a veteran on the forums, maybe an admin. Everyone likes you, and you can get away with a lot.