I installed soldat 1.4 and my NOD32 warned me that soldat.exe probably contains some un-known "NewHeur_PE" virus. I just turned NOD32 off to install soldat (it didn't let me..).
Then i turned back, and i could play for a few times.
But today i noticed that NOD32 warned me again that my computer is infected, i clicked on it and i got this message:
Anyway, I have no problems with soldat 1.4, the hungarian language is a bit strange for me, i think i'll switch back to english. I got used to it now, hungarian pack was available for a long time, but i never used it for more than a few hours.
I like the "new" bullet trails, i always used a self-mod like this to make them more visible.
The feature i really like is the resize in windowed mode. Now i can play in higher resolution in windowed mode (i like it better than fullscreen + now i have widescreen display)
Besides these, I can't see major changes yet tho. (i read the changelog)