- Ingame Nick- Dneezy
- Favorite weapons - Sniper, Shotty, Saw, Knives, Ak-47
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,...) MSN=
dneezy33@hotmail.com- You play since... ? - Two or three mounths
- References (clans you've been in, other Soldat experience) -none, but that dosent mean i am not good.
- Favourite gamemode(s)? - CTF!!!
- Rating of your own skill- 7 out of 10
- Why do you want to join a clan? - I enjoy teamwork, and what better way to have teamwork than be in a clan?
For the past few weeks I have been training my skills with All (most) weapons. I would say I am a well rounded "soldier." All I need is a clan to be part of a team and to back me up.