I think that the Soldat server's inbuilt system against warping with the flag should be fixed. Not only shouldn't it happen in a situation similar to below, but shouldn't BattlEye take care of something like this?
Well, here I am, playing Infiltration Abel, on my favourite server, after already being ping kicked for using flame god (even though I hardly touched the fire button). I've just been killed, and I've respawned. The enemy is just outside the base, and the flag carrier is coming back. Everyone who goes out of the base dies. The flagger comes to the base and gets killed, but the enemy forgets to go after the flag. It conveniently bounces into the base. I jump to the white flag, watch the black flag fall, and I score for my team.
As soon as it happened, BANG, the server launches a vote kick against me. I'm slightly annoyed at the server and the people in the server for being idiotic, but fortunately, one of these can be fixed to stop future occurrences of this. I'm not annoyed that I've been banned, since no one bothers buying dynamic IP's these days, but that it was the second time in as many minutes that I was kicked for a false reason.
I think what needs to happen is that the server should check to see if the enemy flag isn't already in the area of the friendly flag. Not too hard, I suppose? Not top priority, either, but I shouldn't be kicked for legitimately scoring, should I?