Author Topic: Ping = 9999?  (Read 1890 times)

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Offline Cheeser

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Ping = 9999?
« on: May 11, 2007, 06:21:30 pm »
I read some other guy's topic, and all I figured out from that thread was that my report thing sucked balls.

Soldat Connection Tester - by EnEsCe -
OK. Please wait while we test your server configuration... (This may take up to 2 minutes)

Step One: Ingame Connectivity Test
(?) Sending PING test to on UDP Port 23073... FAILED!
(?) Sending REQUEST test to on UDP Port 23073... FAILED!
(?) Sending JOIN GAME test to on UDP Port 23073... FAILED!
Step Two: All-Seeing Eye Test
(?) Sending test to on UDP Port 23196... FAILED!
Step Three: Remote Administration
(?) Sending test to on TCP Port 23073... FAILED!
Step Four: Map Download Connections
(?) Sending test to on TCP Port 23083... FAILED!

- Total Passed: 0/6
- UDP Check: error (Vital)
- ASE Check: error
- Admin Check: error
- Download Check: error (Vital)
- Final Test Result: FAILED! Please check your network configuration.

Yeah I'd imagine that's bad. Should I just quit and go to other people's servers? Or is there some miracle worker here to help me?

Chuck Norris joke here.

Offline Toumaz

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2007, 02:50:09 am »
You need to forward your ports if you have a router and make sure that your firewall allows Soldat's traffic.

Look at and look up your router model, and you should be able to get step by step instructions. If your model isn't in the list then you'll have to rely on Google and search for it there.

In the end, you should forward:

  • 23073 UDP (game port)
  • 23073 TCP (remote admin, same as game port but TCP)
  • 23083 TCP (file downloading, game port + 10)
  • 23196 UDP (All-Seeing Eye, game port + 123)

Offline Cheeser

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 05:43:50 pm »
Yeah I'm...err..kind of retarded when it comes to the outer workings of my computer. I'm not sure:
What a router is.
Whether I have one or not.

^ That's basically where I'm stuck. I went on the site and it showed me a huge ass list of router models (I think) but I've no idea which one I have, or if i have one in the first place.
Chuck Norris joke here.

Offline urraka

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2007, 06:52:40 pm »
A router is like a small box where you plug in your LAN cable and also the internet cable. It should have inputs for more than one computer, meaning you can plug 2, 3 or 4 LAN cables, apart from the internet cable.

If you have WinXP got to Start->Run (or Windows button + R), write cmd and press enter. In the console type ipconfig and press enter. You should see like 3 ip numbers. The last one is your router ip (in case you have one). That ip number is the one you can type in internet explorer to access the router configuration. Maybe there you see what model is your router.

Offline Cheeser

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2007, 08:11:39 pm »
Okay so I took BlueDog's advice, and got to this page. Some guy came here and fixed out internet and was on this page I remember. But one problem, you need a password and ****, which I don't have.

What now?

Edit: Motorola SBG900, lol I'm dumb, I just noticed that. I'm gonna go find that in the big listy thing.
Edit2: Okay currently I found out the password and stuff for that motorola page, and now I'm on it, I'm following the steps form the other site, I'll edit again if i get stuck.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 08:20:50 pm by Cheeser »
Chuck Norris joke here.

Offline urraka

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2007, 08:25:05 pm »
Hehe you covered the ip number :P
Good taking precautions, but that's a local ip and can't be accesed from outside your network (it's usually something like or similar).

Anyway, try pressing login without entering any user or password. If that doesn't work you will have to call whoever installed your router so you can get the password. OR you can reset the router, there's always a button for that somewhere, but you'll have to configure it over again.

Offline Cheeser

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2007, 08:29:01 pm »
Okay as I said in the edit, I figured out that password. It brought me to a page which is mostly white with a menu on the left. Since I didn't know what to do, I went back to the portforward thing, and I'm stuck at "Do not skip this step!
Please enter the static ip you want to forward to:"
What do I put there?
Chuck Norris joke here.

Offline urraka

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2007, 08:32:11 pm »
There you have to enter the ip of your pc. Go back to the ipconfig you did before. The first ip that appears there is the one you need.

Offline Cheeser

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2007, 04:47:43 pm »
Well, on it says "192.168.100." then there's a blank after it for me to type the end part. But mine starts with "192.168.0." should I enter the end part anyways?

Edit: Gonna try to make that sounds less complicated with another SCRENSHAWT.

Edit2: If anyone wants to hit me up on MSN to like help me more personally it's

EDIT3: Okay, I've gotten even farther. forget everything at the top of this post, I got it figured out. But now I'm stuck again :| So on portforward I am at and it gives me 3 port entries to type in at the bottom, I type in the first two, but I can't type in the second 'cause it says
Error 1: "Add": Overlapped port range 23073:23073 with port range 23073:23073 of Soldat1
and I thought, oh didn't Toumaz say there were two kinds? like tms and pms or some crap, well they weren't there anywhere, so like...argh stuck.
Edit3.1: UDP TCP

Date Posted: May 12, 2007, 09:36:59 pm
Sorry for the double post but i had to bump this :|

So my server works now, but one possible problem.

Soldat Connection Tester - by EnEsCe -
OK. Please wait while we test your server configuration... (This may take up to 2 minutes)

Step One: Ingame Connectivity Test
(?) Sending PING test to on UDP Port 23073... PASS! (117ms)
(?) Sending REQUEST test to on UDP Port 23073... PASS!
(?) Sending JOIN GAME test to on UDP Port 23073... PASS!
Step Two: All-Seeing Eye Test
(?) Sending test to on UDP Port 23196... PASS! (117ms)
Step Three: Remote Administration
(?) Sending test to on TCP Port 23073... FAILED!
Step Four: Map Download Connections
(?) Sending test to on TCP Port 23083... PASS!

- Total Passed: 5/6
- UDP Check: check
- ASE Check: check
- Admin Check: error
- Download Check: check
- Final Test Result: FAILED! Please check your network configuration.

Is the remote admin this a big deal?
Chuck Norris joke here.

Offline urraka

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2007, 06:29:16 pm »
it's not such a big deal, u just won't be able to administrate the server remotely, it depends on how u wanna use it though. the problem there is that u forwarded the port 23073 for UDP but not for TCP i guess

Offline DePhille

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Re: Ping = 9999?
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2007, 05:16:06 am »
You have to forward 23073 both TCP and UDP. UDP is for the gameplay itself and TCP is for the remote administration.
Your modem might have three presets for the ports:
- UDP and TCP

You have to make sure to select the mast one, if this is your case. Making two entries, one with UDP and one with TCP might give an error.

Grtz, DePhille
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