Cannonball Special Move.
Cannonball... Do you know what is this? No, that is a "bullet" that pirates shoot from their ships, but I am talking about the other thing... Cannonball move.
It is simmilar to kickjump (climbers would know something about it), but you don't go higher. You gain great speed and many idiots would say, that this is speedhack. This is not true, because it is trickjumping move.
How to this? VERY simmilar to kickjump. press > or < and ^ to make a normal forward jump. Then, press FLY button. you will roll in air and gaing height. Don't depress these 2 buttons (^ and > or <) berofe clicking FLY button. This is KickJump. Of course ">,<,^,v" are arrows or mov. keys...
Cannonball is the same, except one thing. you must DE-PRESS ^ before clicking FLY button. You have got 0,25 sec. to do that or it won't work. You may de-press the > button too.
This is my old discription for CannonBall (a.k.a Roll Jump)... using this thing is the olny way to pass this map (I passed 1st and 5th jumps with this thing).