G´day fellow Soldat players. My name is Spacewing and I´m the leader of the clan VorteX.
We have opened our recruit again. The last time we recruited we had 4 cadets interested in joining us. Now, 2 of them are fully signed members of VorteX
VorteX is a clan started in the first quarter of 2007, which means we have lasted for about 3 months.
We have got very active and skilled members, most of them around Scandinavia, Europe. We only recruit players from Europe, because of timezones and pings, so its no need for you to post at our forum if you are from any other continent.
If this feels like the clan for you, read the following information:
Team VorteX :
Clan leaders:
Spacewing and second admin,
How to contact: You can contact us via our
forum at
Www.VorteXForums.Clan.Pro, at our
IRC channel @
#Col-clan (After our old name, The Crusaders of Light), via
Martinfcb@hotmail.com, our via
Clan age: Since the first quarter of 2007
Favourite gamemodes: Capture the flag for CWs, Deathmatch for tryouts and trainings, which we have on Wednesdays and Fridays
Equipment: We have got
2 soldat servers, an
IRC channel and we will also set up
Ventrilo soon
Requirements in skill and character: You must at least have played for 1,5 year. Be
13 years or older, and be from
When are possibilities for a tryout?: To be decided when you have replied at our forum.
Clan results: We don´t play to many CW's now. We mainly concentrate on our trainings, but we have won 3 of 5 played CW's
Aims of the clan: We will play in the next
Clan history: Team VorteX is an soldat clan started in the first quarter of 2007. At the beginning, we had another name, "The Crusaders of Light". Because of inactivity from one of the admins, we changed to Team
Description of the current members:
At writing moment, we have
11 members, looking to sign 0 1 more.SpacewingShasePsychoDodgerEagleAndréSeigenLuXeJellyfishLagunahJuninhoNOW, Good Luck!