Author Topic: Hosting servers  (Read 4006 times)

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Offline Clawbug

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Re: Hosting servers
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2007, 05:52:20 am »
Hmm, 1 GB of RAM should be able to run around +100 soldatservers (at least in theory), and I think that the CPU ain't going to really slow down anywhere around 10-20 servers.

It depends really what you need/want. If you clearly want to ensure that the hardware of the server AIN'T going to make ANY lag for the servers, i'd say that around 20-30 servers should be about the max. The second server should be abe to handle about 50-70.

Well, I haven't really played with that many soldatservers ever, nor with that kind of hardware, thus I'd recommend listening to FliseLikeABrick more with stuff regarding runnign multiple servers on specified hardware.
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Offline -Major-

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Re: Hosting servers
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2007, 01:25:51 pm »
not many virutual private servers who allows 7.8 terrabytes bandwidth. also VPS:s is a shared computer and you should not run servers on them. also what I know from my friend his VPS take ram to run a program. it was 83mb ram to just run 1 soldatserver. while it really takes a lot less. when he ran that many servers it was lagging a lot aswell.

but you can buy from me ;) I can give you a 7 days trial :). if you are not happy with the server please tell us why ^^. also I will have to sell pretty many soldat servers before I can earn anything. I am doing this because I like to do things. also it is good to have buisnies experiance.

oh clawbug maybe 50 servers it could handled. but that is if you have unix system windows maybe only 40.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 01:31:00 pm by -Major- »