Xiphias the leader of the Rock You Clan
asakura_umur@hotmail.comirc:server irc.e-kolay.net #rockyou
http://fnd.xiphias.googlepages.com/homeClan Age: About a month
Fav. Gamemodes: CTF,TM
Skill for applying: Reasonable/good
Applying: Go onto forum/website and post in clan recruitment, or post here. We'll arrange from there...
Results: No proper games played
Country: TÜRKİYE
-[RY]- Xiphias
-[RY]- Asakura
-[RY]- Blueangelboy
-[RY]- Nirvana
Rocy You Clan is a fun clan, which might later on enter in competitions...we just need more members!