hey all i looking for a good clan
i have some good skills
- Ingame Nick:Bitem
- Favourite weapons:desert eagles and knife
- Contacting possibilities:AIM:DarkBitem email:jorge_90_904@hotmail.com
- You play since: like 2 or 3 hurs at dday
- References: IronClad i was the leader but it dont work for me :S
- Favourite gamemode: DM, CTF
- Rating of your own skill: i relly prefer you rating me, but i think im good
- Why do you want to join a clan: i want to participate in tournaments or war, and meet more good players
well i have like 1 year and a half playing
most of the games i finish in first or second. but i know there are better players that i dont meet them yet
so i want to be in a good clan that have forum and active players
and also play whit the members
tkx for your repley i will waiting
good luck all