Mine best moment was when I had only a knife with me
. I was playing on a R/S/A server. I was alone on my team, all my teammates were killed. As I said i had only a knife, then a guy with a spas came at me, I dodged two of his shots then knifed him in the head
after that I went to get the blue flag, but there where 4 more enemy players on the map, so I ran to try to get the enemy flag when I saw two guys with laws on a roof of the building, they shot at me, I dodged both of the laws, then I knifed one in the back, the other one took out a gun and started shooting at me, I rolled to get my knife back and I knifed him in the ballz
then I went to get the flag. I got it and ran to my base to camp for the last guy(I never cap in R/S unless double cap) so when I got there there was the last blue guys siting by the red flag with a law, he shot it at me, I kept running, then I did a backflip in the air and the law missle flew under me
then the guy took our a Mp5, he almost killed me but then I got into prone position and surfed to him, when he was reloding I knifed his head off
then I caped!