Yes, it's that time again. I think it's been over a year since I've been in a clan and I think there's been somewhat a drop in skill because in this. I feel that getting back into competitive soldat instead of gathers and pubs will help me out. And definitely help out whoever picks me up. So without further ado:
Ingame name: Wormdundee
Weapons: If you don't know...geez (ruger)
Route: I like to go alt but main always works well too
Experience: Um...I think its pretty much exactly five years
Clans: I had a text document but I think I lost it, I'll try and list the highlights.
R7 (the original one)
theres an assload more, but i cant remember them
Good qualities: Extreme movement skills, rush like a madman
Bad qualities: Rush like a madman? I don't do too well against deagles
Mic/Ventrilo: Sometimes malfunctioning/Yes
Contact: (email) (msn)
Basically I want to get into a clan where I know the people. So if you don't know who I am, don't bother asking me to join.