*Just testing my knowledge here, self-bink occurs when you have bink in the negative numbers. Self-bink means that a weapon becomes more wild and random-directional the longer you hold the fire button down.
Correct. And self-bink only begins to take effect from the fourth bullet you shoot.
Ya, Minigun's self-bink is gonna be reduced, so it's not gonna spray that wide an area, but its fireinterval is gonna be increased, damage per shot decreased, reload only 16 ticks shorter and a much higher bullet speed. Of course, the boosting of the Minigun will be tweaked so if you use that 1.5 stats in 1.4.2, you'd be flying through the air.
I personally think that there are a few major flaws in the minigun. The most important three:
1. You CANNOT throw a nade while the minigun is shooting.
2. You CANNOT get up from a Prone while the minigun is shooting by simply pressing X again. You have to turn your mouse cursor to face behind you to get up.
3. Online, the minigun has a terrible bullet reg. If it is improved, at least it is still not as bad as it is now.
Minigun is actually a rather strong weapon, just underused and not practical in a practical situation for killing due to startup time and the boost and therefore can't be used like any other auto.