Clantag / name.:|DNA|:. / Dark Necro Alliance
Clan leader / Squad leaderDarkMein / HellaTim (Co-Leader)
How to contactXfire: insanezidane
Clan agemade on 5th july
Favorite gamemodesCTF / TDM
EquipementServer Below _Not Permanent
Requirements in skill and characterMust Have Xfire
Have Fair Skill in Soldat
Will to get Better
Must be active regularly
Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryoutIn our Sever (Below) When ever
Clan results3 ClanWars
2 Wins
1 Lost
Aims of the clanTournments, Leagues, Working as a team
Clan historyDied in the past, due to sabotage
MembersDarkMein (Leader)
Hella Tim (Co Leader)
Shooter (Captain)
The Indiana Jones (Captain)
Xiphias (Captain)
Own3d (Soldier)
Justin (soldier)
Animal (soldier)
Assasin (soldier)
Server .:|DNA|:. DM|Pub
.:|DNA|:. CTF|Pub
FormForum Name:
In-game Name:
How long have you Played:
Favorite Primary weapon:
Favorite Secondary Weapon:
please follow the simple rules and have fun xD