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procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);beginif (Text = '!joinnow') and (antispam = 0) then beginCommand('/addbot zombie');Command('/addbot zombie');Command('/addbot zombie');Command('/addbot zombie');Command('/addbot zombie');DoDamage(ID,0);antispam:=0;end;end;
procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);beginif (Text = '!joinnow') and (antispam = 0) then beginCommand('/kickbot zombie');Command('/kickbot zombie');Command('/kickbot zombie');Command('/kickbot zombie');Command('/kickbot zombie');DoDamage(ID,100);antispam:=0;end;end;
procedure OnPlayerKill(ID: byte; Text: string);beginif PlayerName = 'zombie' then beginCommand('/kick zombie');DoDamage(ID,100);antispam:=0;end;end;
procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);var i: byte; Ltext: string;begin Ltext := LowerCase(Text); case Ltext of '!joinnow': if antispam = 0 then for i := 1 to 5 do Command('/addbot zombie');end;OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte;Weapon: string);begin if not GetPlayerStat(Victim,'Human') and (GetPlayerStat(Victim,'Name') = 'zombie') then Command('/kick Victim);end;
My new password is secure as shit Mate, I am not sure Shit is even secured nowadays.