
Soldat on Wii?

7 (12.3%)
I hope but unlikely.
9 (15.8%)
Could be good
4 (7%)
If it was done carefully
5 (8.8%)
32 (56.1%)

Total Members Voted: 57

Voting closed: September 06, 2007, 01:11:39 am

Author Topic: Soldat for Wii?  (Read 10419 times)

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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Soldat for Wii?
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2007, 10:17:38 am »
Apples to oranges; they're two completely different controller setups. How did you even get on the subject of Xbox?

I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Soldat for Wii?
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2007, 11:20:01 am »

I used a modified xbox controller and set it everything up to run with soldat....left stick movement(and d-pad), right stick aiming....it was hard as hell. The aiming was not very precise, recoil made adjusting aim incredibly hard, etc.  Soldat was made for the preciseness and ease of a mouse+keyboard....

Gee, that might explain why they suggested the Wii instead...
The Wii controllers are even less precise then the xbox.....
What are you talking about? Could you be more wrong?
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Offline danmer

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Re: Soldat for Wii?
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2007, 04:19:05 pm »
Lol that's one productive discussion.
Look how many people have PC and what fraction of them plays soldat. Now think about the people who have Wii and how many of them would play some random fan port of an unpopular 2D game =/
And you need to consider that most people don't stick with one game for a long time (especially the console people).
And to actually play the port properly every player would need the headset (otherwise the team games would make no sence - ever heard of taunts like "efc mid" or "inc up"?). Yeah and imagine the polish guys swearing at you all the time...

So imo this conversation is pointless unless you like to dream about your ideas.
I could also suggest discussing the possibilities of using a plastic bottle as a mousepad. Great potential there.

Offline Stealth

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Re: Soldat for Wii?
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2007, 04:44:33 pm »
Lol that's one productive discussion.
Look how many people have PC and what fraction of them plays soldat. Now think about the people who have Wii and how many of them would play some random fan port of an unpopular 2D game =/
And you need to consider that most people don't stick with one game for a long time (especially the console people).
And to actually play the port properly every player would need the headset (otherwise the team games would make no sence - ever heard of taunts like "efc mid" or "inc up"?). Yeah and imagine the polish guys swearing at you all the time...

1. Wii will have a Channel called Wiiware, where indie developers will be able to put up their "official homebrew" I guess you could say. Since the Wii has such a focused audience, anyone who has one will most likely check out the games on that channel, and if a Soldat clone is made quickly enough, it'll be one of the first and most popular games from the channel. Therefore it can easily reach a wider audience than Soldat on PC.

2. People will stick to whatever game they want, regardless of platform. Why do you think people still have an SNES or NES lying around? Why do you think they even bother making emulators? So they can play the old games. in fact, I'd go as far as to say that console people will stick to their games more than PC players (even if it is in a Fanboyistic way).

3.  I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed, but supposedly the Wiimote has a mic built in. Therefore you wouldn't need a headset. I'm sure it the voice part of the game would be customizable to either be voice activated or by button, ala Teamspeak. That way you can point at the screen and not use the Wiimote as a phone. :P


Anyone who thinks there's some sort of DirectX on the Wii just needs to get out of this conversation. Seriously.

EVERYONE already knows that Soldat will not be "ported" by MM to anything. Stop bringing that up as if we were some ignorant dreamers drooling for Soldat on a console. It will either be a clone of Soldat, or it will be a difficult port made by someone ELSE once the source code is released.

Lastly, aiming isn't impossible on the Wii. It just takes some getting used to. Red Steel is fairly easy to get used to, and I hear Metroid Prime 3 shows you the way it should be done. Even if its in 2D there are probably many ways to help the noobs out in their aiming. Just because YOU suck at aiming doesn't mean the Wii isn't capable of it. That's a general statement for anyone who mentions Wii aiming, and not directed at any one person.
Soldat on Linux: It does work! Need help?