Hi guys, I have a problem with my rank page. I get the following error when I am clicking at my "clans" link:
error mysql_query('
`players`.`clan` as `clan`,
`clans`.`name` as `name`,
`clans`.`channel` as `channel`,
`clans`.`homepage` as `homepage`,
COUNT(*) as `players`,
ROUND(AVG(`players`.`points`)) as `points`,
SUM(`players`.`kills`) as `kills`,
SUM(`players`.`deaths`) as `deaths`,
SUM(`players`.`kills`)/SUM(`players`.`deaths`) as `ratio`,
SUM(`players`.`selfkills`) as `selfkills`,
MAX(`players`.`last`) as `last`
FROM `players` as `players`
LEFT JOIN `clans` as `clans` USING(`clan`)
GROUP BY `clan`
HAVING `clan`!=''
AND `kills`>=300 AND `players`>=4
`points` DESC,
`points` DESC,
`kills` DESC,
`deaths` ASC,
`selfkills` ASC,
`clan` ASC
LIMIT 0,15
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
I have repaired and optimized the table, I can't find what's the reason for this. Any help would be appreciated