The best way to find what a problem is, is to find out what it isn't first.
The reason that the same advice gets given is because 90% of problems that people experience are fixed with one of:
1) Restarting
2) Updating Drivers and/or DirectX
3) Changing settings in Soldat (or enabling compatability mode etc)
4) Clean reinstalls (this is the one most everyone screws up; they either install over top of the existing installation thinking thats good enough, or they backup settings and restore them without testing first, putting them back at square one. It's called a clean reinstall for a reason, everything needs to be removed)
Don't be mislead by what people say, either; I've told someone to update their drivers, then they come back and say it's still not working, then a day later they come back and say they fixed it by updating their drivers. I've invested time in helping people one on one, and get them to send me diagnostics from their computer, and they tell me their drivers are up to date but the diagnostics say otherwise, and a driver update resolves the problem.
Now, we are down to the remaining 10%, of which some will be actual bugs in soldat(or Battleye), with the rest being bugs in the latest available drivers for someones computer, or other software conflicting, or hardware issues. (Soldat doesn't do much checking for hardware capabilities, and uses features that require a somewhat recent graphics card)
Case in point: Quake Wars: Enemy Territory demo is out; my friend had very recent drivers (beta drivers from the release of BioShock, from 3-4 weeks ago), but in order to get the demo to work he had to update his drivers, due to a bug in them preventing the game from running.
Currently on the bug tracker, there are 17 unresolved issues that have been reported that MM is currently working on. Since the bug tracker was put up, there have been 100 issues reported total.
If you want to see the list, PM me and I'll link you; AFAIK the bug tracker isn't public yet, but might be eventually. Rest assured, that things do get looked into, and they do get worked on.