Hello everyone, I need people who wants to help me orginase a cup.
-I need 3 Forum Moderators.
-I need 1 website editor.
-I need 5 refferees that are coaching the website.
-I need 2 IRC admins.
Function Forum Moderator:Just help people with questions, delete spam, Lock topics.
Function Website editor:A website editor haves to change the Soldat Tournament Battles, screenshots, scores, ... all what haves to do with the website.
Function Refferee:A refferee haves to follow the matches and making screenshots from the end-results. After he haves screenshots he sends it to the website editor on xfire
Function IRC admin:These people helps peoples with questions about our Soldat Tournament. They have to Ban all the people that are out of the Tournament because they losed the knock-out system, so we can see who's still in cup.
What you need to be...
-Forum Moderators: good english and friendly.
-website editor: Html, verry active.
-refferees:Friendly, Screenshot taking, active.
-IRC admins: IRC commands, friendly, active.
Preview of upcomming website:
http://www.freewebs.com/soldatbattle/It will look like this but not on freewebs.
The Crew...
-Forum Moderators: UnFaiR, Thegrandmaster
-website editor: UnFaiR, Thegrandmaster
-refferees: UnFaiR (Costa)
-IRC admins: UnFaiR
M.Wittouck@hotmail.com-Xfire: Bombutopia