Hello Guys! .. and Ladies!
In school for my final exam project I must create a movie of the topic they will give me. And the topic is "Community". As you might have guesed it I chose to do the Soldat community instead of the stupid life in my neighborhood or what ever.
I am interested to know if some one can help me find some good pages to seed thought the movie. It will be very jumpy but seeable due tot eh fast music. You will understand if you watch this video "
A Day in the Life of Soldat Player". In it you can se e he browse throught this site with steady speed. But i want to do that just a bit more faster sot eh content got to be important. Also I will show some of teh selfkill website and enesce and the u13 and few other very popular sites. So if any recomendation you got I'd be thankfull. This thing is due in opn tuesday! omg i waisted so mutch time
when its finished ill post it up here