Im lookin for a pretty good clan perferably in the U.S around west coast,anywhere in u.s is fine though.I only play about 2 hrs a day but am around the comp alot so i can be on if needed most of the time.
- Ingame Nick- Deebo
- Favourite weapons: Im pretty decent with all weps favorites are Aug,Ruger,DE,and Hk
Secondary:Saw,Law,(using knife more recently)
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,...): Xfire-deebo707
- You played since... ?: bout a yr now
- References (clans you've been in, other Soldat experience): never been in a clan was gonna try out for kC,but they dont work out for me.Moasaic(some may know him), suggested i try a clan out,gives the game more edge so thats what im doin.
-Favourite gamemode(s)?: CTF,inf,DM,Rambo ,TW
- Rating of your own skill: id give myself about a 7,ill let u rate me tho.
- Why do you want to join a clan?: never been in one and would like to try it out,think im good enough to partcipate and want more of a challenge with better players and teammates i can work with,and get used to playing with.
Think thats about it..lookin forward to seein some responses.