What is actually the best wepon combination (primary and secondary wepon)
if you shall think of a situation 1v1, 2v1 and 3v1 (you're alone) what wepons will be best?
also imagine that you hits your target in every shot.
what will be best? try to give a reason for why you would have chosen that wepon too.
i'll start:
1v1 - Sniper Rifle / Knife - your opponent will be dead in one shot/throw
2v1 - ruger / USSOCOM - you got four shots, and tha will be enough to kill both, USSOCOM - quick reload, high damage-
3v1 - ruger / knife - Two dead with ruger one down with knife.
but the best combo in a 3v1 would probably be: sniper, knife, granade. all three dead