Script Name: Weapon Mod (I couldn't find better name :f)
Script Description: Server Admin may change weapons' parameters using commands.
Original Author(s): Hydro (I used KeYDoN's function xsplit)
Core Version: 2.6.3
- "/weapon X" - Select current weapon (type "/weapon" to see list of available values of "X")
- "/file Y" - Select current ini file with weapon mod (default: weapons.ini)
- "/winfo X" - If X is null, it shows parameters of current weapon in current file, if X is not null, it shows parameters of X weapon in current file
- "/switch A B" - Changes value of parameter A of current weapon in current file to B, for example: "/switch Ammo 50"
- "/reset Y" - Restores default weapon mod in file Y (if file Y doesn't exist, it creates file Y), if Y is null it restores weapon mod in current file
Dont forget use command '/loadwep'
Have Fun ;d