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const TEAM_NONE = 0; TEAM_ALPHA = 1; TEAM_BRAVO = 2; TEAM_CHARLIE = 3; TEAM_DELTA = 4; TEAM_SPECTATORS = 5; PLAYERS_MAX = 32; UNPAUSE_DELAY = 3; MAPS_FILEPATH = '~/mapslist.txt'; COLOR_LOG = $BBBBBB; COLOR_INFO = $EECCAA; COLOR_WARN = $FFAAAA;var UnpauseCountdown: shortint; MapNamesNormal: TStringList; MapNamesSearch: TStringList;procedure PlayersWriteConsole(Text: string; Color: longint);begin WriteLn(Text); Players.WriteConsole(Text, Color);end;function LoadMaps(FilePath: string): boolean;var i: integer;begin // init lists MapNamesNormal := File.CreateStringList(); MapNamesSearch := File.CreateStringList(); if File.CheckAccess(FilePath) then if File.Exists(FilePath) then begin MapNamesNormal := File.CreateStringListFromFile(FilePath); for i := 0 to MapNamesNormal.Count - 1 do MapNamesSearch.Append(lowercase(MapNamesNormal[i])); end else WriteLn('Not found: '+FilePath) else WriteLn('Access denied: '+FilePath); Result := true;end;function ChangeMap(MapName: string): boolean;var i: integer;begin MapName := Trim(MapName); if Length(MapName) > 0 then begin i := MapNamesSearch.IndexOf(lowercase(MapName)); if i < 0 then i := MapNamesSearch.IndexOf('ctf_'+lowercase(MapName)); if i >= 0 then MapName := MapNamesNormal.Strings[i]; Map.SetMap(MapName); end; Result := true;end;function ProcessPause(DoPause: boolean): boolean;begin if DoPause then if Game.Paused then if UnpauseCountdown = -1 then PlayersWriteConsole('Paused!', COLOR_INFO) else begin UnpauseCountdown := -1; PlayersWriteConsole('Unpausing was cancelled...', COLOR_INFO); end else begin PlayersWriteConsole('Pausing...', COLOR_INFO); Game.Paused := true; end else if not Game.Paused then PlayersWriteConsole('Unpaused!', COLOR_INFO) else UnpauseCountdown := UNPAUSE_DELAY; Result := true;end;function ProcessRestart(): boolean;begin PlayersWriteConsole('Restarting...', COLOR_LOG); Game.Restart Result := true;end;function OnCommand(Player: TActivePlayer; Command: string): boolean;var CommandExecuted: boolean;begin case lowercase(trim(Command)) of '/pause' : CommandExecuted := ProcessPause(true); '/unpause' : CommandExecuted := ProcessPause(false); else if Copy(Command, 1, 5) = '/map ' then CommandExecuted := ChangeMap(Copy(Command, 6, 255)); end; if CommandExecuted then begin if Player <> nil then PlayersWriteConsole(Player.Name+' triggered a command ('+Command+')', COLOR_INFO); Result := true; end else Result := false;end;function OnAdminCommand(Player: TActivePlayer; Command: string): boolean;begin Result := OnCommand(Player, Command);end;function CheckPlayerTeam(Player: TActivePlayer; TeamID: Byte; ShowWarning: boolean): boolean;begin if Player.Team = TeamID then begin if ShowWarning then Player.WriteConsole('Your team is not allowed to use this.', COLOR_WARN); Result := true; end else Result := false;end;procedure OnSpeak(Player: TActivePlayer; Text: string);begin Text := lowercase(trim(Text)); case Text of '!p', '!pause' : ProcessPause(true); '!up', '!unpause' : ProcessPause(false); '!a', '!1', '!red', '!alpha' : if not CheckPlayerTeam(Player, TEAM_ALPHA, false) then Player.Team := TEAM_ALPHA; '!b', '!2', '!blue', '!bravo': if not CheckPlayerTeam(Player, TEAM_BRAVO, false) then Player.Team := TEAM_BRAVO; '!s', '!5', '!spec' : if not CheckPlayerTeam(Player, TEAM_SPECTATORS, false) then Player.Team := TEAM_SPECTATORS; '!r', '!res', '!restart' : if not CheckPlayerTeam(Player, TEAM_SPECTATORS, true) then ProcessRestart; else if (Copy(Text, 1, 5) = '!map ') then if not CheckPlayerTeam(Player, TEAM_SPECTATORS, true) then ChangeMap(Copy(Text, 6, 255)); end;end;procedure OnTick(Ticks: integer);begin if UnpauseCountdown > 0 then begin PlayersWriteConsole('Unpausing in: '+IntToStr(UnpauseCountdown), COLOR_LOG); UnpauseCountdown := UnpauseCountdown - 1; end else if UnpauseCountdown = 0 then begin PlayersWriteConsole('Go!', COLOR_LOG); Game.Paused := false; UnpauseCountdown := -1; end;end;procedure Init;var i: byte;begin LoadMaps(MAPS_FILEPATH); UnpauseCountdown := -1; Game.OnClockTick := @OnTick; Game.OnAdminCommand := @OnAdminCommand; for i := 1 to PLAYERS_MAX do begin Players[i].OnCommand := @OnCommand; Players[i].OnSpeak := @OnSpeak; end;end;begin Init;end.