Hi!I'm "new" to soldat, but I've played before.I'm looking for a clan that has a website and at least 8 members
- Ingame Nick - skyboy95
- Favourite weapons - Ruger, M79, and maybe AK-74
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,...) -
sky_boy_95@hotmail.com- You play since... ? - as I said I'm "new" but I've played before
- Where are you from? - I'm originally from Bulgaria(I bet you don't know where that is...) but I live in Canada
- References - I haven't been in other clans
- Favourite gamemode(s)? Capture the Flag
- Rating of your own skill - Not very accurate, but I'm gonna improve my skills(from scale 1-10, I'd rate myself 6)
- Why do you want to join a clan? - Because it's better when you have people that you know than being alone...(and you also pwn!)