Please not this isn't a clan this is a team.
This is plan to be a real team not just some tag you put in your name. We will have scheduled practices and try to make us all better.
- Teamtag / name~AAT// All American Team
ex: Blaze~AAT// ( you can have tag however you want it...just read rules on forum.
- Team leader / Squad leaderBlaze
- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC)xfire: scottspano
irc: i am Blaze_ find me on gather
- Homepage (if you have one) Team age (Clan exists since... ?)
- Favourite gamemodesCTF
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?)10 slot private server
port: 33073
pass:(you get this if you join)
- Requirements in skill and characterNone. its a team to make you better
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?No tryouts are needed ofcourse
- Aims of the team (just a funteam, or to take part in a tournament/league)This team is to make you get better. The team will have scheduled practices
*Again note this is a team, will not have clanwars ofcourse. Whenever i get some people to join we will start scheduled practices. There will be many so you make it on your own time. They won't be mandatory, u will just not improve if you don't come.
Practices have been posted also on forum.