Author Topic: Blood in the snow.  (Read 3787 times)

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Offline Thinkto urself

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Blood in the snow.
« on: March 16, 2008, 04:17:44 pm »
The 5th Story in my Realistic fiction Battle Series.
Others are availible in my signature.
Concept from, tw_Rime, enjoy.
"Nothing lasts forever."
            "Ughh..." "Cap, wake up!" As I opened my eyes, they began to sting. The air was cold and dry. "Vigil?" "Ya' Capt, come'on, they're waiting for us." *Eoooorrr* The tank came to a stop. The transport door opened up, and Vigil stepped into the snow. I picked up the SVD, a few rounds for a socom, some goggles, 3 frag grenades, a smoke grenade, and a knife. We set off.

As I stepped into the snow, it devoured my foot, it went down 2 feet, atleast, all that I could see. I pulled it out, and stepped into the snow again. Same result. We were told to meet at the checkpoint, somewhere north of here. It was practically a blizzard. I couldn't see more then 2 feet ahead of me, my lips were starting to bleed, and the snow deepened with each step. My goggles had become completely been covered with snow now. I reluctantly wiped them off with the small gloves on my hands. Being dressed in full white was a burden as well. It soaked in all the cold, and I was barely able to go on without feeling a heavy stinging sensation in my legs. The blizzard started to recede, the sun began to shine, and we relieved.

"We're more vulnerable in the sun, stay low and try to avoid sniper fire, prime your guns, turn off the safety handle, load 'em up if you haven't already, and get ready for an ambush," I told my team. We crawled in the deep freezing snow for another 10 minutes or so, and then it was. I saw a gleam of metal in the distance. I signaled my team to take a look at it, but the snow was to dense for us to get a good look at it. "Listen, that could be the checkpoint, or a enemy checkpoint, got it?" "Ya, ya ya." Vigil whispered back.

We continued to crawl through the snow. I watched the snow gather on the gleam of metal, slowly dissolving it into the whiteness. We heard talking in some foreign langauge from behind us, and footsteps. "Vigil, you hear that?" I asked a bit to late, he had already ran toward the gleam of metal. I ran after him, as we got closer to the gleam, it took shape, first a cylindrical shape, then it slowly became rectangular, then it split into 2 sections. We finnaly realized what it was, it was an abandoned tank, along with 4 other decimated tanks. 2 of them had bones extruding from the cockpits of the tanks. 1 of them had been split into 2, and the other one had a huge depression in the side, along with multiple holes in its side.

Snow covered the abandoned tanks now, no longer glorious mobile war machines, merely statues now. *Veoor* A bullet flew by and punched a hole in the snow! "GO GO GO!" Vigil fired back at the source, I ran and fired 2 shots from the SVD at the source of the bullet, it became fully automatic MG fire! "Come'on Cap, now what?!" While we ran, my foot fell into the snow, it fell in deep this time. I stumbled into an underground bunker. "Vigil!" "Get your ass over here!" I took out the SVD, and shot back at the MG, I heard a satisfying scream. We were off course now, we had no idea where we were, only that we were in enemy territory, and that north was probably entrenched with mines, guards, snipers, and Machine Gun fire. There was an AK47 on the floor of the bunker. I took it along, it only had 29 rounds left in it, but that was better then firing a socom wildly into the snow. Our compass pointed toward where the MG fire had occurred.

"Corp, you wanna run through enemy territory?" I was eager for a repy. "Didn't die first time, guess I might not die today." "Nothin' lasts forever," I said. I took out the SVD again, looked around, and told Vigil it was clear. We came out on our stomachs. The snow was light now. It had become moist, and now it was a bigger nuisance then ever. We slushed our way through for another quarter mile, and passed quite a few abandoned tanks, guns, and ammo crates. A few minutes later, there was a patch of raised tree covered land. The trees were frozen over, completely covered with a thick layer of frost and ice. It was beautiful, but there was no time to admire it. We walked on, finally being relieved from the freezing cold slush. I took out the SVD and looked onward. I told Vigil to stay on watch, and pull out his G36K. It began to snow hard, once again. "We got an advantage Vigil, come'on!" We ran on the semi-snowy ground, Machine gun fire roared from somewhere in the distance, I shot at it running along with the ice cold SVD, I reloaded, realizing I had barely any ammo left in the SVD, the AK banged against my side, almost begging to be taken out and used. I put the SVD on my back, and took the AK out, I threw a frag grenade at a camouflaged bunker.

Machine gun fire still roared through out the woods. I took out the smoke grenade and pulled the pin while holding it. I put it down at my feet, and prepared for the worst. The smoke engulfed us quickly, and the machine gun fire sprayed into the thick smoke. We ran out of the smoke while they still thought we were engulfed in the smoke. Vigil had taken 3 shots to his left arm, he continued to run on. I radioed in to the checkpoint guards, and told them to send assistance. No response. We kept running, *CRAACKK* A nearby tree exploded from pressure of the ice. Then another, and another, until the whole forest seemed to be exploding. Ice shards were flying everywhere, 6 trees had already exploded under pressure from the heavy ice. If the MG's don't kill us, maybe the ice will.

I saw something in the distance, it was a fort of sorts, but it was still farely far. Vigil took out an orange flare, and fired it out, into the air. An orange flare was fired back. "FINALLY!" Vigil shouted in relief. *BREKK* We saw and heard a huge explosion from the fort. We ran faster, hoping for nothing to have gone wrong. We finnaly reached to checkpoint, they were throwing snow and water over a huge bonfire in one of the fuel depots in the fort. "When will the bullsh*t  end..." I said. Heavy MG's were firing back at the trail we had come from. *PROOM* A mortar exploded nearby, and knocked Vigil into a wall nearby. There was a trail of bloody ice where the mortar had thrown Vigil into the wall. A corpsman went to Vigil, and tried to bandage him. My heart was pounding right now. Mortars were firing on the checkpoint, Vigil had been hit, we were possibly outnumbered...

5 transport vehicles arrived, their doors opened, Vigil was brought into a seperate one. I jumped onto the top of the tank, my SVD primed, and hoped for the best.

"Gonna be a nice funeral this month."


New ones are now in fan art/apps section.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 01:11:46 pm by Thinkto urself »

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 11:44:49 pm »
Great story, but its not really related to Soldat in any way.
Other than that, its a sick story. Don't stop eh? :)
Just another soul to burn.

Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2008, 07:50:20 pm »
Great story, but its not really related to Soldat in any way.
Other than that, its a sick story. Don't stop eh? :)

Tw_Rime, statgun on top of the middle bunker, firing back at you while you are crawling in the snow.
While we ran, my foot fell into the snow, it fell in deep this time. I stumbled into an underground bunker.
Which equals, the 1st bunker on both sides of the map.
*Eoooorrr* The tank came to a stop.
Tank sceneries on Tw_Rime
I picked up the SVD, a few rounds for a socom, some goggles, 3 frag grenades, a smoke grenade, and a knife. We set off.
If you were good enough, you could juggle the socom and the knife as your secondary, not a wise choice though. Dragunov and Smoke nade, moddable. Goggles=Turn of weather effects in the config.
*CRAACKK* A nearby tree exploded from pressure of the ice.
Lots of frozen tree sceneries.
We slushed our way through for another quarter mile, and passed quite a few abandoned tanks, guns, and ammo crates.
In Soldat terms, quarter mile=100 meters. Abandoned tank sceneries. Lots of sceneries in the underground bunker.

That enough for ya?

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline who flung poo

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 12:49:42 am »
so this is supposed to be a more realistic soldat battle right? cause if this was supposed to be a realistic realistic battle i can already point out so many things that are wrong with the story.
Realistic mode only baby. (;

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 07:37:45 am »
Your writing is really developing Think. I notice more details and little things that make your stories more interesting, this one kept me hooked, unlike some of your other ones which I didn't bother to continue reading after the first 1-2 paragraphs. Good to see you are truly improving. ;D
Keep writing!
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 04:51:29 pm »
so this is supposed to be a more realistic soldat battle right? cause if this was supposed to be a realistic realistic battle i can already point out so many things that are wrong with the story.
The 5th Story in my Realistic fiction Battle Series.
Point out everything that's wrong with this story, consider the scenario, you're being fired on by an MG *Real life people* wouldn't your mind be racing, thinking that it was not 1, but 2, maybe 3 guns firing on you?
Tw_Rime, statgun on top of the middle bunker, firing back at you while you are crawling in the snow.
While we ran, my foot fell into the snow, it fell in deep this time. I stumbled into an underground bunker.
Which equals, the 1st bunker on both sides of the map.
*Eoooorrr* The tank came to a stop.
Tank sceneries on Tw_Rime
I picked up the SVD, a few rounds for a socom, some goggles, 3 frag grenades, a smoke grenade, and a knife. We set off.
If you were good enough, you could juggle the socom and the knife as your secondary, not a wise choice though. Dragunov and Smoke nade, moddable. Goggles=Turn of weather effects in the config.
*CRAACKK* A nearby tree exploded from pressure of the ice.
Lots of frozen tree sceneries.
We slushed our way through for another quarter mile, and passed quite a few abandoned tanks, guns, and ammo crates.
In Soldat terms, quarter mile=100 meters. Abandoned tank sceneries. Lots of sceneries in the underground bunker.

That enough for ya?

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline Meecrob

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 05:59:23 am »
nice story. ur pretty good at writing. keep up the good work

Offline w00titsme

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 06:00:51 pm »
so this is supposed to be a more realistic soldat battle right? cause if this was supposed to be a realistic realistic battle i can already point out so many things that are wrong with the story.

This story is amazing, makes me feel like running to eC tw #1 :p
As for this fool, I think the only war he has ever been in is constipation.
But believe me, it's a doozy,
Make your Coca Cola fresh!

Offline TheV

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2008, 04:32:44 pm »
You should stop posting these in soldat moments because they did not happen to you, but you are making them up. you should instead take your novels and put them in the fan art and apps section being as they are fan art.

Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2008, 05:34:36 pm »
You should stop posting these in soldat moments because they did not happen to you, but you are making them up. you should instead take your novels and put them in the fan art and apps section being as they are fan art.
They aren't novels, they're scraps. If they were novels, they would cover atleast 8 full scroll downs of the little scroll bar, I guess they would fit in the Fan art/Apps section, or I could just stop writing them :D.

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: Blood in the snow.
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2008, 06:05:10 pm »
These would make for some good movies eh? Wanna get a few actors together and try?
Just another soul to burn.