Author Topic: iMod 1.7.0 Released!  (Read 3679 times)

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Offline Duck Boi

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iMod 1.7.0 Released!
« on: August 03, 2008, 04:27:25 am »
The 1.7.0 (huge) Changelog.

Code: [Select]
Removed - Deagles Risk Factor
Removed - Deagles Flurry
Removed - HKMP5 Zany Shot
Removed - HKMP5 Phantasmagoria
Removed - AK-74 Retrocede
Removed - AK-74 Stellare Mortis
Removed - Steyr P-Automaton
Removed - Steyr Mirror Mail
Removed - Spas Glass Armour
Removed - Spas Blaze Shells
Removed - Ruger Bow Aspect
Removed - M79 Sticky Mine
Removed - Barret Con-Cleave
Removed - Barret Shade Aspect
Removed - Minimi Soul Render
Removed - Minimi Armageddon
Removed - Bow Upgrade
Added - All weapons now have four spells
Added - DEagles Swirling Aura
Added - DEagles Acid Rain
Added - DEagles Mist Form
Added - DEagles Slip Strike
Added - HKMP5 Flare
Added - HKMP5 Fire Storm
Added - HKMP5 Fire Attunement
Added - HKMP5 Immolate
Added - AK-74 Bubble Shield
Added - AK-74 Slingshot
Added - AK-74 Ward
Added - AK-74 Lag Shot
Added - Steyr Soul Cannon
Added - Steyr Soul Walk
Added - Steyr Soul Feast
Added - Steyr Mental Mirror
Added - Spas Sandstorm
Added - Spas Quicksand
Added - Spas Stone Armour
Added - Spas Fetid Ground
Added - Ruger Chain Lightning
Added - Ruger Thunder Cloud
Added - Ruger Static Electricity
Added - Ruger Surge
Added - M79 Proximity Mine
Added - M79 Trip Wire
Added - M79 Supplies
Added - Barret Portal
Added - Barret Boost
Added - Barret Side Step
Added - Minimi Sentry Gun
Added - Minimi Kleptomania
Added - Minimi Exchange
Added - Minimi Siphon Ammo
Addec - Conditions (Burning, Rust, Spores, Blindness)
Added - /features, fancy features!
Added - /shorten, shortens onscreen text
Added - /onhitflash, Onscreen text will flash a random colour when you're damaged
Added - /onshootflash - Onscreen text will flash a random colour when you damage someone
Added - /stick [diff account name] [its password] - Allows the user to quickly switch accounts
Added - /jump - Switches to another account if (Requires /stick command)
Added - Warning system (100 warning is an account block).
Added - /weaponinfo [weap], shows weapon spells
Modified - M79 Hara-Kiri now static only.
Modified - Ussocom Table Turner teleports only once
Modified - Squall of steel +Knifes, -spread, -speed.
Modified - !Balance, now works more efficiently.
Modified - Grammer (Big thanks to Biscuiteer).

The new and update manual :)


iMod is a rpg scripted server, where players have to each other to gain power. Players must choose one primary weapon and one secondary weapon to gain power with. And only kills with that weapon give power. When players gain enough power they can use devine magiks and cast devastating spells.

Setting up an account[/u][/b]

Use the following command to create a new account:
  • /create [username] [password] [primary] [secondary]
List of primaries:

    • deagles
    • hkmp5
    • ak74
    • steyr
    • spas
    • ruger
    • m79
    • barret
    • minimi

    List of secondaries:
    • ussocom
    • knife
    • chainsaw
    • law
    Managing your account[/u]
    • /commands - Shows all the commands below
    • /create - Shows the code needed to create an account
    • /login [username] [password] - To log back into your account
    • /save - saves your account progrss so you can return to it
    • /logout - Will log you out of your accont and save it too
    • /changepass [new password] - Changes your current password to a new one
    • /myinfo - Will show current information about your account
    • /weapons - Shows the weapon names for helping to create an account
    • /relearn [primary] [secondary] - Relearns your weapons. Comes at a price though.
    • /allchars - Shows information about all players in the server
    • /features - Shows all the fancy features available
    Fancy Features[/u]
    • /shorten - Shortens (or unshortens) onscreen text.
    • /onhitflash - Onscreen text will flash a random colour when you're damaged
    • /onshootflash - Onscreen text will flash a random colour when you damage someone
    • /stick [diff account name] [its password] - Allows the user to quickly switch accounts
    • /jump - Switches to another account if (Requires /stick command)
    • !manual - Gives the link to the imod website.
    • !hacker - Tells uninformed players that the server is scripted
    Your power will be shown onscreen in a variety of colours
    • Green - Means that your power is nice and high
    • Yellow - Means that your power is at about 50%
    • Red- means your power is getting low or there's none atall
    • Grey - Means that you are not currently carrying yours account slected weapons

    To determine the number of kills needed to level are as followed:
    Code: [Select]
    For primary Maxpower*2+5
    For secondary Maxpower/2+5
    Formula for amount of power regenerated:
    Code: [Select]
    Power per 5 secs - MaxPower/24Note - This information will be shown via /myinfo

    Spell Basics

    Spells can only be performed whilst holding your selected weapons

    How to perform the spells:
    • /cast1, /cc1, /heal - casts or activates "Active" spells
    • /cast2, /cc2, /def - Sets or activates "Prep" spells
    • /cast3, /cc3, /ofs - casts or activates "Assist Spells
    • /cast4, /cc4, /summon - Turns on/off "Static" spells
    Spell types:
    • Active[/u] - Active spells are a simply one-use spell.
      Cost  20 Power
    • Prep[/u] - Prep spells usually require to be set first, then activated.
      Cost 50 Power
    • Assist[/u] - Assist spells assist you in some way, either healing, protecting or escaping.
      Cost 40 Power
    • Static[/u] - Static spells activate by them selves.
      Cost 5 Power
    Primary Spells:[/b]

    Desert Eagles:

    Swirling Aura
    (Active) This spell causes the condition 'Rust[/b]' on the closest opponent.
    Acid Rain
    (Prep) Places a cloud above you. The cloud rains deadly Nitroglycerine for 4 seconds causing explosions and wreaking havok.
    Mist Form
    (Assist) For 5 seconds, you cannot deal or take damage.
    Slip Strike
    (Static) You have a 15% chance on hitting opponent to knock there weapon out of there hands.

    HK MP5:

    (Active) fire and shrapnel is shot in your moving direction.
    Fire Storm
    (Prep) You must place 'Fire storm' on a poly above you. When 'Fire Storm' is casted, it rains rain and shrapnel
    Fire Attunement
    (Assist) You and teammates within 10 metres of you gain a fiery armour for 20 seconds. Fiery armour all incoming damage by 20%
    (Static) You have 5% on hitting an opponent to cause 'Burning'


    Bubble Shield
    (Active) User creates a 'Bubble Shield' around him reducing input by 50%. Bubble shield has a dangerous 'pop', however bubble shield can be pushed by bullets.
    (Prep) You must place a marker, then set Slingshots power and angle by moving away from the marker.
    (Assist) Sets up a small ward at your position, all teammates get a 10% heal each second whilst standing inside the ward.
    Lag Shot
    (static) 30% chance on hitting an opponent to slow him down a bit.

    Steyr Aug:

    Soul Cannon
    (Active) For 5 seconds damaging spirits and souls are thrown at nearby opponents
    Soul Walk
    (Prep) You leave your body and turn into a soul. Souls are almost completely invisible. However, if you stay a soul to long, you loose health. Iif your body is destroyed, you die to.
    Soul Feast
    (Assist) You  leech the cloests oppeonets health untill you are full. If you're full and cast, you give health to closest teammate
    Mental Mirror
    (Static) 15% Chance to send bullets back to foe


    (Active) You send out a storm of weak bullets that cause 'Blindness'
    (Prep) You place Quicksand at your position. when an opponent steps on Quicksand they are stuck for 4 seconds.
    Stone Armour
    (Assist) You are given an armour with 1000 hit points, the armour reduces incoming damage. Amount reduces is directly proportional to the armours hit points.
    Fetid Ground
    (Static) You have a 10% chance on hitting an opponent to poison the opponent with 'Spores'


    Chain Lightening
    (Active) You shoot a lightening bolt at the closest opponent. Opponents closest teammate is dealt half that damage.
    Thunder Cloud
    (Prep) Sets a thunder cloud in the sky which shoots lightnening at nearby opponents
    Static Electricity
    (Assist) Once casted, you gain a small health regeneration. However, the faster you move the more the health regeneration increases.
    (Static) 10% chance on hitting enemy to send the bullet onto another opponent.


    Proximity Mine
    (Active) Places a mine, when an opponent walks over it, it explodes. Detonation can be prematured by casting again.
    Trip Wire
    (Prep) You must set two markers within 30 metre, once casted you send bullets flying from one marker to the other.
    (Assist) You drop a random amount of Health and Grenade kits.
    (Static) When you die your body violently explodes.


    Flash Step
    (Active) You shoot forward in your moving direction and shoot a deadly beam of light to your previous position.
    (Prep) Set two markers, you can then teleport to a marker by standing on the opposite.
    (Assist) Boosts you in your moving direction (must be moving off a surface)
    Side Step
    (Static) 20% chance to evade a bullet and teleport to a random nearby location.


    Sentry Gun
    (Active) A sentry gun is set up. Angle of fire is dependant on position from Sentry Gun.
    (Prep) Sets up a weak mine stealing nearly all of an enemies ammo if they walk into it
    (Assist) Turns your current ammo into health.
    Siphon Ammo
    (Static) 25% chance to steal an enemies bullet on being hit and then apply it to your clip

    Secondary Spells:[/b]


    (Active) Teleports you behind the closest enemy
    (Static) You have a 20% to spawn high damge bullets above the enemy


    Squall of Steel
    (Active) Shoots an array of knives in your general direction (left/right)
    Eternity Pocket
    (Static) After you have thrown you knife, switch weapons twice to gain another


    (Active) Pulls all enemies within 150 meters 100 metres closer to you
    (Static) 50% Chance on being hit, the opponent who hit you teleports to your location


    (Active) Lasts 4 seconds, if you kill an enemy with LAW a missile will be sent from there spot of death towards the next closest enemy
    (Static) If you kill an enemy using law you instantly reload


    Causes weapons to become faulty and lock up on the user. Lasts 4 seconds
    Causes person to become set on fire. Burnings damage increases over time. To stop a fire, you must stop, drop, and roll on the floor. Bodily fluids can also exstinguish fires.
    Causes player to miss. Blindness is stackable. Blindness fades after 10 seconds.
    Spores deal a small constant damage for 3 seconds. Spores will not fade after 3 seconds if standing on the ground. Damage is stackable.

    Name: iMod
    Port: 23075
    Game type: CTF
    Admins: Neosano, Hobo, Dnmr, Effecta
    Country: Finland

    Visit us at or #Soldat.Indignator @quakenet

    Special thanks to Biscuiteer, NuclearrambO, Orava, Danmer, Atredes, and the beta team
    « Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 04:51:38 am by Duck Boi »

    Offline Chuck

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #1 on: August 03, 2008, 12:53:53 pm »
    Woah :O Nice work!
    Are you 9 years old? Or is that just your mental age.
    Favorite Wepons:
    Ruger, Spas, M79, Barret, Steyr, Chainsaw, LAW, and Knife.

    Offline Avarax

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #2 on: August 04, 2008, 08:25:17 am »
    Skills look very innovative, fitting and also show great synergy in some cases. Didn't play it though :Q
    I like to have one Martini
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    Three I'm under the table
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    Offline mxyzptlk

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #3 on: August 04, 2008, 08:46:11 am »
    Skills look very innovative, fitting and also show great synergy in some cases. Didn't play it though :Q
    That's high praise indeed coming from The Avarax.
    I will definitely check this out one of these days.

    "While preceding your entrance with a grenade is a good tactic in
    Quake, it can lead to problems if attempted at work." -- C Hacking

    Offline Duck Boi

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #4 on: August 04, 2008, 11:12:58 am »
    Skills look very innovative, fitting and also show great synergy in some cases. Didn't play it though :Q
    Why thanks.

    1.7.0 atm is pretty bugged. We're trying to find and fix the bugs as soon as possible. 1.7.1 will sure be alot better.

    Offline TheWind

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #5 on: August 04, 2008, 12:52:34 pm »
    Wow this looks great, im going to play it right away  :)

    Offline numgun

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #6 on: August 04, 2008, 02:13:47 pm »
    I really like the ideas of some spells like the slingshot, very clever.


    I kind of hate the fact it has accounts that keep constantly leveling up meaning newbies will have tough time to survive just like in hexer. Also the fact of being limited to 2 special weapons when making an account is kind of nasty too.

    Also the idea of gaining spell power through kills is rather annoying and not quite friendly to newbies at this point either.

    I'm looking forward on playing this on a public server since it sounds pretty fun.
    I must say this script is no good for short games, its for more long term whacking just to get something out the nice features.

    Offline saad786

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #7 on: August 04, 2008, 08:02:01 pm »
    Nice job man I wish i could even understand how  to make a simple script. ~.~

    Offline numgun

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #8 on: August 05, 2008, 10:29:00 am »
    Consider removing the account system and switching to something similar like Miracle Mod with a twist: Theres a similar gallery map that players visit every 'th round. Sounds too similar? read on.

    Heres the catch: Everyone can choose anything they want. The map is just a show room where all the information is displayed for each weapon and its attributes. Here the user chooses his primary and secondary and he will have the powers to that weapon for the next several rounds until the next time when the players enter the gallery map.

    He cannot change his special primary nor secondary during a normal round, only in the gallery map.
    Note this: I mean he cannot change the special weapons that have the powers. During a match, a player can switch between any weapons on the menu, but he will only have the powers to 1 primary and 1 secondary that he chose on the gallery map.

    Now as for the power usage, you can either keep going with the kills for skills method, but I heavily recommend the cooldown method like in hexer. This way you can ensure that skills/spells can be used by everyone and with cost of time to wait instead of kills. This method is also newbie friendly and makes the gameplay generally more fun.

    If still would go with the kills for skills, I recommend lowering the costs of spells greatly and have the special points stack each time you kill so you can spend them on spells and so on.

    Also another quick suggestion for the current system:

    The /cool command.

    The command /cool that works the same way as the /cool in hexer with few changes.
    This is an example how it would look like when you type /cool:

    Code: [Select]
    //Your Spells\\
    -Spell one: cost 20
    -Spell two: cost 30
    -Spell three: static
    -Spell four: cost 70
    Points available: 120

    Otherwise great work on this mod, its not too fun yet and its not too quick game/newbie friendly, but I believe it can get better. Some of the spells are really amazing with the idea of funcion like tripwires and slingshots.

    Also one more a quick question: Is scripting mods like these easy? Are there any tutorials for this?
    « Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 10:35:07 am by numgun »

    Offline Duck Boi

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #9 on: August 06, 2008, 06:29:13 am »
    Also one more a quick question: Is scripting mods like these easy? Are there any tutorials for this?
    Well, I did not create this script. But it does take quite some time to create it.

    And I've read your suggestions, and they'll be taken into account :).

    Offline nuclearrambo

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    Re: iMod 1.7.0 Released!
    « Reply #10 on: August 09, 2008, 03:58:16 am »
    I kind of hate the fact it has accounts that keep constantly leveling up meaning newbies will have tough time to survive just like in hexer. Also the fact of being limited to 2 special weapons when making an account is kind of nasty too.

    THE power doest have much effect on the damage output and input of the player.

    Offline Atredes/GfF

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    iMod 1.7.2 Released!
    « Reply #11 on: October 12, 2008, 09:10:04 am »
    Now we have second server:

    Name: (WM)BLah's iMod
    Port: 23075
    Gametype: CTF
    Admins: Neosano, Hobo, Blah, Atredes
    Country: Finland

    Server run 1.7.1 iMod version (old accounts are still here).

    Date Posted: September 08, 2008, 10:46:12 am
    Now our server,  soldat://
    IP : Port 23075

    run iMod 1.7.2 with better power's formula.
    Now its easier to gain enough power to be able to use spells.
    Old accounts are deleted so no more "uber-max powers pwnzzorz" who gain levels when it was really easy (now all people have same chances).

    Plus, to be sure, your INPUT/OUTPUT damage don't depend on your level. It is same for all people/on different levels. Server use default weapon mod, just minigun is disabled.
    « Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 10:47:47 am by Atredes/GfF »