Yes, yes, before you say to me "use the damn search option next time", i will say, I have used it, and I have saw some threads about it. However, most of these threads ware old (propably before 1.4 was released), and the question still remained, because nobody really explained what to do. So I'm posting a new one. Many ppl use big resolutions, and many of these ppl will like to use custom interfaces (I'm one of them). But as we all know (well, most of us) the interfaces feck up with high resolutions (i will attach a screen to show what i mean). It should be fixed. I know, hardly any ideas that ppl suggest on this forum are implemented, so i doubt EnEsCe will even look into this thread. So what I'm asking for, is for you to at least tell me how can i make my interface be normal on higher resolution.
Thanks in advice.