Author Topic: soldat story: The last stand!  (Read 1629 times)

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Offline Pie

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soldat story: The last stand!
« on: June 27, 2007, 09:59:19 am »
(It's kinda long, so please read it all and tell me what you think, this is my first story and its embarrasing cause its sucky... Well ENJOY!)

The early morning sun has just risen, I shiver, Mostly from cold. Two shapes dart into the dense grass along the edge of the river. Both are wearing red and they both check and recheck their weapons. Fidgiting with my gloves, they're itchy and don't really protect me agains't the cold. As i tilt my cap back and cock the scope to my eye, training in on the small lodge that is just barely visable from my position. The chatter from my radio is  crackling, Which is the only noise.
"This is Alpha 1 & 2, We are all set to go all that's left is for command to give us the signal."The radio clipped to my sholder squawks in my ear.
"Yes sir, not even the birds are awake yet." I joke
 All of a sudden a burst of automatic fire errupts from inside the lodge.
"Look out!" I yell into the radio, My fingers scrabbling for the safety switch on the side of my rifle.
By the time the safety is off, my team has engaged the enemy and the quiet woodland landscape is marked by the screams of automatic and semi-automatic gunfire.
Jamming the scope into my eye, searching for where the hell That gun fire was comming from.
Suddenly the scope flashes past blue, without doubt, my finger slips onto the trigger and a round spins from the chamber and the butt of the rifle thuds into my sholder. Taking my eye from the scope, im looking into the dense grass where my team was bunkered down, but they are no where to be seen. all i can hear is a loud buzzing in my ear and then i realise its my commander screaming down the encrypted channel;
"Damnit Alpha 3, Get your ass movin' son, The rest of your squad need sniper support, NOW!"
"Uhh... Yes sir!" I gulp into my sholder.

Advancing slowly with my pistol drawn and aimed at the lodge that has been torn to shreds by both sides. As i get to the doorway of the lodge, the place is a mess, Burning hot rounds litter the floor, the charred remains of what is supposed to be a dining table lay in the corner smoldering and one dead soldier dressed in camo with a blue vest over lays slumped below the window. Looking down at the body and admiring my handiwork, 1 round to the head clean entry and exit, i notice something glint in the corner of the room.
It's a gun, a HK MP5 to be exact. Holstering my pistol, i pick up the HK and check the clip, it's brand new the guy never got to fire a single round.
Without warning there's a loud explosion in the distance i grab the 2 clips strapped to the dead guys vest and hurry around the burnt out table. Kicking open the other door of the lodge I can see my team has chased down the enemy, but they are severly outnumbered. Tuning into my radio, the channel is dead, Which means one of two things my radio was busted or the enemy were jamming the signal.

What happened next will always be remembered as the 'last stand'

One of the blue vested men spot me standing in plain sight and yells something to one of his troops. It sounded alot like RPG and then it clicked, wait RPG, Without thinking I flung myself down the stairs of the lodge as the RPG collided with what was left of the lodge The blast wave smashed into my helpless form along with the large wooden chunks that had been blown out of the lodge, Where the door was, there is now a gaping blackned hole. It felt like 3 of my ribs were broken, as i stumbled looking for cover. As i crawled into a ditch a round drilled into my thigh. I scream in agony and pull the rest of me into the ditch.
I chance a look over the ditch, my two team mates are down both wounded or dead, i wasn't sure and 3 of the blue vested men were bearing down on my position. cocking my trusty rifle once again, i lined the scope up with one of the scumbags heads and pulled the trigger the round ripped through his eyesocket. His teamamtes looked around in time to see his headless corpse splash into the ankle deep water turning the slow flowing stream into a river of blood. The rest of the Blue vested men duck behind an over turned log. Once again i take a glance this time i duck only in time to be showered with dirt as automatic fire is layed down on the lip of the ditch, uncliping  the HK, I had just aquired, from my belt, i aim the nozzle over the lip of the ditch and pull the trigger.
A spray of 9. calibur rounds dig into the landscape surounding  the log, but i hear no screams of pain or bullets tearing into flesh.

 The return fire from the enemy is feirce and never ending. Rat-a-tat-a-tat they go spraying the lip of the ditch. And then the gunfire stops... and silence... i look over the lip to see what the hell they were doing when i hear a sound of metal hitting dirt. Litteraly kissing my ass as the grenade explodes and rocks the tiny no longer exsisting ditch, shards of metal whizz past my head and dirt is everywhere. After my ears stop ringing i check to see if im still intact, everys accounted for except my cap, Damn them.

I look down at my belt my barret is almost full ammo but its useless in this prediciment. The HK is down to the last clip. It all comes down to this. It's me with a 30 clip mag and four of them... Not good odds. i feel a sharp pain in my kidney area, thinking i've been hit, i look down and, surprise, surprise a grenade is lying in the dirt, it must of shook lose in the blast, it's lucky it didnt ex-plode i think to myself. Here goes nothing, I Pull the pin of the grenade it comes loose with a tiny chinking sound. With HK in one hand and grenade in the other i was gonna take those bastards out, or go down trying!

I  push myself up and out of the ditch. One blue vested man turns around, They must of thought the grenade blast killed me, as i throw the grenade in his direction. The grenade clatters along the ground. The blue vested man gives me this "Im so friggin screwed, ain't i" look as the grenade explodes at his feet. Lucky for him he gets carbonized by the quickly expanding hot air, unfourtunetly for his buddy that was stand only a few meters away from him, He cops metal fragmentation that litterly tears him to shreads.

Looking around for the third blue vested man, i decide to lure him out by spraying a few rounds into the area. As i pull the trigger the Automatic machine gunstarts to blaze rounds into everything, I can hear the bullets pinging off rocks, but all of a sudden the HK Shudders to a stop, i've got no idea whats wrong with it, but it doesn't want to work. Starting to limp towards some shrubs not to far away to hide. I manage get about halfway and then my infured leg gives in.
"Thats just friggin great." I mutter through clenched teeth, crawling the rest of the way along the rocky ground.

I pull out my rifle and poke the barrel through the bushes looking for any signs of movement. There is no sound but my shallow breathing, the air itself seems to freeze in place. I see some movment in the bushes along the bank of the river. I lock a round into the  barrel and i wait.I start to get dizzy, shaking my head to get rid of it, The blue vested man charges out of the bushes and moves surprisingly fast, I panic as he draws his styer aug up to eye level, Hes now 10 meters away, 8 meters, 5 meters. My barrel is all over the place, I barely have the energy to hold it in place. His finger slips towards the trigger of his gun. I close my eyes.

A loud Bang echoes through out the now sunlit forest. Followed by a thud. And then silence, its deafening silence, The air seems to buzz softly, my concentration starts to slip.

Opening my eyes i now see that my aim was true, I stand up, my hands shaking, my leg threatening to give way and i limp over to the dead mans body, using my rifle as a crutch.
Looking down at his lifeless corpse, as his blood soaks into the green gass, My shot hit him in the solarplex, shatering his ribcage into a million peices and blowing a hole in his lung. I try to laugh in triumph but only a soft sigh escapes my lips.

Grabbing at my radio, i try to call in base, after 5 minutes of static i unclip my useless radio from my sholder and toss it onto the ground. It bounces away from view and bury's itself into some soft mud on the river bank.

Everything is starting to get fuzzy, starting to become disorientated...blending into one mass of wobbling colour...

"Alpha 3!!!! you're alive!!" I hear, coming from what seems like a universe away. Turning around slowly i see one of my red clad teammates rushing towards me.

"Alpha 2 is dead." says the voice.
"Wait, I-I neeee-d to sit dooowwwwwwn...." I manage to mumble before collapsing in a heap, on the muddy blood soaked ground.


Lol, internets.

Offline Bunney

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Re: soldat story: The last stand!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 10:49:42 am »
Hmmmzz nice story, i LOVED IT!!! realy nice. ;)

Date Posted: June 27, 2007, 11:47:34 AM
O and ima Camper to now :)

Offline fireblade212

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Re: soldat story: The last stand!
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 10:57:52 am »
well.. i must say it was good... i looked at it... said screw it till i read a little.. and more... and more.. till i saw the end...

it was that good hehe, very interesting

very nice sotry good job

edit--- SUCKY!? NO ITS NOT! it is extremly interesting, jumps down the stairs wtf?!?!?! thats like awesome
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Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: soldat story: The last stand!
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2007, 04:33:00 am »
Nice story man, good desciptions good work.
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline Pie

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Re: soldat story: The last stand!
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2007, 06:13:20 am »
heh, Cheers!
Im going to write some more i just need to think a bit. Also i got my idea from another soldat fan, i cant remember but after i read their story i decided i would try one.
Look forward to some more. And thanks for the imput.
Lol, internets.

Offline Decaying Soldat

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Re: soldat story: The last stand!
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2007, 10:12:35 am »
Nice story. I bet I can't write that good. Make more!

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: soldat story: The last stand!
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2007, 05:30:22 am »
I would probably recommend reading Matthew Reilly books to get up your m4d wr171ng skillz!!1!

He's the master of making action books.
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."