Author Topic: The Internet Said Soldat  (Read 1160 times)

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Offline njyz

  • Major(1)
  • Posts: 6
    • TISS
The Internet Said Soldat
« on: March 01, 2008, 12:10:55 pm »

This is likely to grow to accommodate community desires, but for this moment in time I incline towards introducing the straight-forward, no-balls-broken The Internet Said Soldat: Team Death Match, collectively and lovingly referred to as 'TISS.' TISS like the sound you make when you lose your SCTFL playoff match and have to find something else to occupy your time. Equipped with full team and player statistics, match forms, etc.

Sign-ups opened this morning and close March 13th for TISS TDM 1. Sixteen clans are to span this two-bracket tournament divided East (Europe/Russia) and West (North America/Australia). This is an open tournament, meaning the first eight clans to join from each semi-hemisphere will receive bids to play (however, league associates reserve the right to revoke bids at their discretion, yada yada). 2v2.

Code: [Select]
General Rules
Game Style is Team Death Match (TDM).
Matches are 2v2 with registered subs allowed between rounds.
Each round is first team to 50 kills.
Three rounds comprise one full match.
Each team selects one map from the default Soldat install.
If the first two rounds are split, the third round shall decide the winner and shall be played on Ratcave.

Some of you may piece together how we are already acquainted; however, for those uninitiated with me and I with you (and to adhere to Chaka Khan's decrees), my dope sheet as it correlates to Soldat: I'm a former mapping moderator of this forum and administrator for a number of early SCTFL seasons, amongst other square affairs.

Feedback much appreciated.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 03:20:39 pm by njyz »