overview works for me
with the 'supersweet forests,' thin them out as they end, don't just let them sorta cut off and end abrupt as they do.
i dig what you're doing with the dirt and the grass (brown and green), but mebbe try messing with the shading so's at parts they blend and at parts it looks like they overlap eachother more
finally, the layout shows some promise, but you need more - as it is there are two beginning routes for either player that would be pretty much determined by whether you spawn low or high, and then these two come together at the middle with only a small area above. first make it so that you can just as easily starrt to any path from where you spawn (and when i say easy, i don't mean feasible, but so that it flows with the map). second, make it so that choosing a path makes more of a difference and divide up the areas. you're gonna get some massive sniper and spray spamming in that middle area from both sides and i'll telly ou straight up right now it's not gonna work pretty.
with a little work, this map could be pretty cool, it's just gotta be finished