hope this is clear enough:Â
Parse code:
Code removed
I appreciate your help. and you may make suggestions.
and please don't use this code without my permission because this is 3 days of work.
FliesLikeABrick you got my permission to use this code
I attached the compiled project and a fake soldat folder in a rar file so that you can see it it working. just point Teqlog (the parse program) to the included fake soldat folder (to ensure that your real logs are safe),
and click on update database after you have created a database.
I also discovered a bug in the logs:
08-04-20 18:34:33Â Â Kill Log Started
--- 08-04-19 18:35:30
look at the dates:
killog started at 08-04-
20--- 08-04-
19 18:35:30