Server Name: (VW) Irlandec's ZombieMod
Max Players: 6 +12 bots
Server IP:
Port: 23071
Server hosted by: Irlandec
Host time: Currently not stabil, tying making it mor like 24/7
Actually, its not my ZM server. I'm just a hoster (so it's named in my name).My server contains danmer's ZS script as a source and has a little bit modified by me and Noober.
Official page of ZS script: hereServer forum page: hereGame type: CTF, INF
Maps: Maps that was created for ZS and ZM servers
Weapons: All enabled, except Ruger and Barret (can be looted from Zombies, see more info in official ZS forums)
Time limit: 30 minutes
Join now! soldat:// - danmer for creating ZS Script
15% - for ZM&ZS map creators
9% - Noober for editing the scripts
1% - Irlandec for hosting