Author Topic: new Ash  (Read 2208 times)

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Offline khargor

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new Ash
« on: June 23, 2008, 08:30:49 am »
hey, I thing every one knows the Map ash. (ok not all) Yesterday I play on a swedish server and they play CFT on the map "AshReborn". And this map is realy realy nice and i thing very good for realistic server. I thing that this new map is better as the olders ash map. I thing its a good idea to change "asheReborn" for the older map.

Offline Eagles_Arrows

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 08:32:43 am »
I think you need to post a screenshot/overview of this new Ash so we can judge for ourselves.  Possibly the map itself even.

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Offline khargor

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 10:33:54 am »
ok I try to make some screenshots and up them here. I find no picture or something at google about this map, but I can say again, its a very nice map. Soon more....

Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 09:13:47 pm »
Im working on remaking Cambodia myself :D

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Offline PorN

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2008, 06:38:12 am »
why dont u post the downloadlink for the map
than everyone can say what he thinks about the map

Offline WhiteHawk

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2008, 01:41:12 am »
can u send me this ash on the private messages?
ill make the next new ash
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Offline zakath

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2008, 03:50:12 am »
Here you have the link the story about this map is that me and my friends used to play ash a lot as it was good size for the amount of players that we were but that we felt that it was a bit easy to cap the flag especially in the tunnel so we started modifying the map and it has evolved in to this after lots of playtesting.

Updated map with multitexturing.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 01:19:49 pm by zakath »

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Offline WhiteHawk

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2008, 06:43:07 am »
hey! this is awesome!! cool
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Offline Suowarrior

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2008, 08:06:46 am »
Sorry to say but it's raped map (just my opinion)... At first it looks stypid, the grass doesn't fit with the texture (at flag places), also the sun is too bright to background, it's blinding my eyes. All in all, the scenery usage is worse than original version. Now there are corner and curve polygons, that means there should be using multitexturing one for curve polys (ground) and one for corners (wall), atm there is only wall texture which don't fit with curves so good... That's about the look.

And then the gameplay there are only few changes what have changed. Only thing that have effect on gameplay has that the bottom route is opened from center... The closed bottom way is one thing that why ctf_Ash is so special. Now the map is like other 200 hundred maps where is entrance to every route at center. The changes at top really haven't got effect on gameplay. This map got still some ass specialty still there but now it's more like normal map...

Offline Alex_von_Vean

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2008, 08:27:51 am »
I would agree on the opening on the center. Furthur then that i would say it ok ... I love the original ash and would probably get into this one, but hey each to there own!

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Offline Eagles_Arrows

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2008, 11:05:21 am »
I loved the (small amount of) vegetation in the original, but all that grass in your version is really bland.  It also makes for great camping spots, probably too great, but I guess that's why you also put colliders behind them, although they are completely random.

The shading on the bottom is a bit too extreme.  It was already dark enough on the original.

I agree with SuoW on the issue of the new opening in the center.  I think that it actually ruins the gameplay here because in the original, in order to catch the EFC, you have to get to the opposing side and try to stop him from getting out/capping the flag.  If you're the flagger and you're cornered, you have to stay there and wait for your teammates to come.  It's exciting, IMO.

Here in Reborn, the opening just makes it harder on the flagger.  If the flagger tries to get out of bottom route and go to top, then the pursuers can easily fly through the opening and prevent him from escaping.  That huge hanging structure on top isn't helping, either.

Speaking of which, is the purpose of that structure to block spray, introduce new camping spots, or both?  IMO, the top in the original is really open and spray isn't really effective in that area.  Plus, we don't need a camper's nest right in front of an opening in the base.  That would worsen things.

I see you changed the bottom terrain near the flag area so that anyone on the bottom can more easily access the bottom route.  Keep in mind that if flaggers decide to go low they usually just jump off the flag platform and superman their way to the opening.  I don't really see how this particular modification is necessary, TBH, because you already have an incline in the original where you can jump off of and fly to the bottom route.

I think this is an okay attempt at improving Ash, but frankly I don't think this will ever replace the original. 
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 11:08:42 am by Eagles_Arrows »

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Offline screamingeagle

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2008, 11:24:07 am »
It's really great i love it really much . i played on it once,it was bettr than old one . so f 12 on your idea
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Offline stormuppen

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2008, 08:58:16 pm »
I loved the (small amount of) vegetation in the original, but all that grass in your version is really bland.  It also makes for great camping spots, probably too great, but I guess that's why you also put colliders behind them, although they are completely random.

The shading on the bottom is a bit too extreme.  It was already dark enough on the original.

I agree with SuoW on the issue of the new opening in the center.  I think that it actually ruins the gameplay here because in the original, in order to catch the EFC, you have to get to the opposing side and try to stop him from getting out/capping the flag.  If you're the flagger and you're cornered, you have to stay there and wait for your teammates to come.  It's exciting, IMO.

Here in Reborn, the opening just makes it harder on the flagger.  If the flagger tries to get out of bottom route and go to top, then the pursuers can easily fly through the opening and prevent him from escaping.  That huge hanging structure on top isn't helping, either.

Speaking of which, is the purpose of that structure to block spray, introduce new camping spots, or both?  IMO, the top in the original is really open and spray isn't really effective in that area.  Plus, we don't need a camper's nest right in front of an opening in the base.  That would worsen things.

I see you changed the bottom terrain near the flag area so that anyone on the bottom can more easily access the bottom route.  Keep in mind that if flaggers decide to go low they usually just jump off the flag platform and superman their way to the opening.  I don't really see how this particular modification is necessary, TBH, because you already have an incline in the original where you can jump off of and fly to the bottom route.

I think this is an okay attempt at improving Ash, but frankly I don't think this will ever replace the original. 

I understand what you are saying but you should now that this map was not created to replace the original. We are a group of people that has played alot of ctf, most of our matches are played 3vs3 or 4vs4. For that setup we tought the old ash was to easily "fast" caped.  It is not so much harder now, but you have to have more skill to do a fast cap.

The flag is elevated up in that pit, so it is harder to get to, not to take away from. So it is harder to get to flag, and harder to cap when you have returned with the enemy flag.

Abaout the camping spots, the ones high, high-left, high-right and high-middle, are almost never used by us when we play our games, it is too fast pased to have time to camp. But i understand that it can be annoying in public. The grass in the bowls gives a little twist in my opinion, you now that there may be someone there so you have to throw some grenades. For us it works great.

I think positive critisism is always good but i just wanted to clarify why we did the changes to Ash.

It is always hard to make changes for a popular map, people ar used to the gameplay and nomather the changes, even if they are better. Subjectiveness will always put a fot down and say it was better before.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 08:19:06 am by stormuppen »

Offline rikku

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Re: new Ash
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2008, 05:16:15 pm »
that sweat!
i think u should add more space!
still love it though! ;D